Part 14

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I wake up with Leah in my arms, the best way to wake up. Leah lay asleep in my arms and she looks like the most beautiful person in the world because she is. There is a sudden knock on the door with Wakes leah and brakes me from my trance. She groans so I just stand and walk to the front door. I open it to reveal Jordan fucking Nobbs. I send a glare her way "what do you want Nobbs, Trying to destroy my relationship more?" She sighs "I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking. I was wrong Leah loves you and I shouldn't of done it" I nod my glare still burning into her "yeah you shouldn't of done it" she sighs and looks at her feet "I came to apologise you to and Leah, it was unfair on you and unfair on Leah.I've talked to Jonas and I'm taking a loan to villa early. I know it's part way through the season but they have accepted to loan. I wanted to apologise to you both before I left" i sigh and call out "Leah babe someone wants to speak to you" I hear her walk over she is rubbing here eyes looking a the her feet as she walked obviously still tired "baby who is it? Come back to bed it's cold." She hugs me from behind and buries her head into the crook my my neck " what do they want?" She mumbles into my next and not going to lie it was hot. She looks up her looks changes from tired to annoyed "you. What do you want?" Her words laced with venom. Jordan looks at her feet "I came over to apologise is wasn't fair to either of you in sorry" Leah nods "why did you do it then" she sighs "I don't know my heads a mess at the second and I talked to Jonas I'm having a mid season transfer to villa I'll be arriving earlier then expected. I couldn't leave with out saying sorry" Leah glares at her "so the only reason your here is because you can't leave with out feeling guilty. Do you even regret it" she nods "I really regret it and I have made an online statement saying I'm in the wrong and that both you you guys didn't deserve it" we both look at her a bit surprised "really? You did that?" I say she nods "yeah. Leah, Alex I really am sorry you don't have to forgive me but just know I'm sorry" Leah nods "alright, Jordan you betrayed both of our trust and I'm happy with Alex. She is my person, everyone talks about finding the one their soulmate well I've found mine it's Alex." I smile at her words and Jordan sadly smiles "I know I see it in your guys eyes , I have to leave London soon but know I really am sorry" I nod as she turns and leaves. As soon as she is out of sight I close the door and turn to Leah "I'm sorry I didn't know she was coming" she hugs me "don't worry about it darl" I smile "your my person too" she smiles and leans in and kisses me it's nice, soft and loving. She giggles a little "come on I still want my cuddles" I laugh "alright then back to bed we go" I pick her up over my shoulder and she gasps then laughs as I walk through the house and up the stairs into the bedroom. I lay Leah down and flop next to her. I hold my arms out and she jumps into them. We hold each other until we both drift off again.

This time when I wake up it's to Leah giveing me small soft kisses "morning le" she smiles "it's mid day what do you want to do?" I shrug I kiss her and she kisses back. Even after lots of kisses they still give me butterflies and are so addictive.she holds my check as she gives me one final kiss before getting off me. "Beth sent me a message asking if everything in between us was solved if they where did we want to go have dinner with her and viv?" I nod "sounds like a plan. Show the world nothing can get in between us" she smiles and gives me a gentile kiss "nothing" I smile "I'm really liking these kisses" she giggles "I certainly hope so, I want to show you I love you and only you" i kiss her temple "I love you too come on let's play a game or something, do you have battle ship?" She laughs saying very proudly "do I have battleship of course I do I'm the battleship queen" I smirk "I guess I'll just have to take that title from you then" she shakes my hand "your on darling" I laugh as we both get out of bed and go down to the kitchen while Leah runs to go grab the board games. She comes back and we begin in one of many head to heals close battles. After who know how many rounds of battleship I come out on top taking that title from Leah. She's not overly impressed by the results but it's definitely something I will brag to Beth tonight. We haven't realised how much time has passed and that we spent 4 hours playing games. We head up stairs and get ready for a causal meal with Beth and viv at there house at 5:30.

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