Compulsion Part 5

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"Elias." Elias turned toward the voice and wasn't surprised to see the owner. "Can I have this dance?" Caitlin didn't wait for his response. Instead she reached for his hand, linked their fingers, tugged his hand and dragged him onto the dance floor.

"Sure Cait." She could hear the smile in his voice. Caitlin liked him despite the way he treated Georgia. Partly because she seriously believed that he secretly liked her older sister. Now if only he and Georgia would realise that! He changed the angle of their handhold so that she released him. With a grin on his lips he gently planted his hand in the small of her back so that he could steer them past the milling group. Where Georgia was studious, serious and as far as he was concerned, sexy, Cait was fun, flirty and simply a friend. He liked her. He liked the way she always defended her sister, liked the way she always told him off for being an idiot and liked the way that she simply didn't see the scars or limp.

Once on the dance floor, Elias quirked a brow and waited for her to step forward. Caitlin rolled her eyes. "Why do you do that to her?" Caitlin demanded as she stopped beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder as she prepared to start their slow waltz. Not for the first time, Caitlin found herself taking Elias to task.

"Do what?" With one hand in the small of her back and the other holding her palm he took the lead and they joined the others on the rather crowded dance floor.

Caitlin was different to Georgia in so many ways and in others they were almost identical. They were both tall, though Georgia was at least a couple of inches taller than her younger sister. They had the same heart shaped face, the same dark velvet brown almond shaped eyes, high cheekbones, generous mouth, and the same jet-black hair. But where one was perfectly at ease in a social crowd the other was more reticent. Their dress code was different too. Caitlin wore what made the best of her assets regardless of how revealing the outfit. And while Georgia's dress code was much better than her dress code as a teenager, she still tended to cover up her assets.

"Wind her up." Caitlin tipped her head back to look him in the eye, Caitlin was tall but she wasn't as tall as her five ten sister who without heels towered over many men.

"Have you seen how gorgeous she is when she gets mad?" Elias stated drolly.

"Eli! Be serious." Caitlin smacked at his arm lightly. His statement made her smile. Her smack made him smile. He liked this woman. She was so candid. And loyal.

Elias grinned when Caitlin threw him a pseudo glare. His lips twitched, "I am. She's bloody beautiful when her eyes spark." He told Caitlin with a light of unholy amusement in his eyes. "And they do that when I tease."

"Well stop it." Caitlin muttered. "Stop winding her up." She ordered as she once again settled into matching her footwork to his as they covered the dance floor and attempted not to bump into other dancers.

"I'm not." Elias shrugged and steered her through a tiny gap between several couples.

"Not much." Caitlin mumbled and concentrated on enjoying the dance for a moment while she worked out what to do about the situation between Georgia and Elias. For she was in no doubt that something needed to be done, and soon. They danced in silence a while. Then she tipped her head back and looked him in the eyes when he turned to look at her, "So what did you say to her?"

"What?" He arched back a touch more to get a better look at her, "When?" It was interesting he thought as he looked into eyes that were remarkably similar to her sisters. Why was it that when Caitlin's eyes sparked with annoyance it did nothing for him, but when Georgia's eyes flashed, his blood literally raced around his system.

A frown marred her brow as Caitlin reminded. "Just before I asked you to dance? You said something to upset her again." She accused.

"Again?" This time Elias frowned.

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