Compulsion Part 17

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In the kitchen Georgia found Elias' mother. Trying to appear nonchalant, Georgia asked, "Mrs Mendoca, do you know where Eli is?" Georgia had looked in the lounge, and gone out back to the pool, but he was nowhere to be found. They were at his house, so in all probability he should be somewhere, but he could be anywhere. Rather than do a door-to-door search, Georgia figured she ought to adopt a better strategy.

"He went to get showered and get changed." Mrs Mendoca smiled at Georgia benevolently. " He shouldn't be long. Probably be straight out soon." There was a steady stream of guests showering and changing into clean dry clothes after their dip in the pool. They were at Elias' home for a pool party and most of the guest had come prepared to swim or lounge around the pool.

Georgia wondered whether she had the nerve to go knocking on each door until she found his room.

"Can I help at all?" Mrs Mendoca looked speculatively at Georgia when Georgia had remained in the room.

"No. It's fine. I'll catch him later." Georgia said somewhat sheepishly.

"Oh, Sorry to interrupt, Mrs Mendoca, could you tell me where I can shower and change?" Said a guest wrapped in a beach towel that Georgia did not recognise.

"Tim, the nearest bathroom by the study is being used I think. But there's a bathroom two doors down from Eli's room. Out of the kitchen, up the stairs, first floor, fourth door to your right." Mrs Mendoca told the young man.

"Thanks." Tim smiled and then he disappeared.

Mrs Mendoca picked up the tray of hot drinks, "Excuse me Georgia, the oldie's table will be wondering what's keeping me. They have been waiting for these!"

"Can I help you carry that out?"

"No. Thank you. I can manage." And with that Mrs Mendoca was gone.

Georgia hesitated for a few seconds as she contemplated her options. Then with Bryony's story ringing in her mind Georgia made up her mind. This was going to be the biggest gamble in her life she thought as she tried to remember the directions Mrs Mendoca had given Tim.

A minute later Georgia knocked on a door. There was not a sound to be heard. Glancing surreptitiously behind her and then to her left and right to see if anyone was around she took a breath and pressed her ear to the door. No sound. None at all. So with a fair amount of trepidation, she pushed open the door and stepped into the room. Quickly she glanced around.

Various clues suggested she had the right room. It was then that she heard the shower going in the ensuite. He was in the shower. She hoped. And then stifled a giggle, as nerves kicked in.

Ok, now what, she thought as her courage began to desert her. Deciding to do this was one thing, actually doing it was quite another. So, quickly before she could change her mind and quietly before she was noticed she closed the door. She leaned against the closed door for a few seconds, closed her eyes and willed herself to be strong! She hadn't really thought this through. But then, if she did stop to think about it, she probably wouldn't go through with it. With her brain holding a silent debate in her mind she willed herself into action. So she pushed off the door and headed for the ensuite.

Just before she reached it Georgia once again closed her eyes, took a deep breath and tried to reason with the part of her advising caution. What she was about to do was foolhardy or brave, depending on which side of her brain you listened to. She could take this risk or wish she had the nerve to take the risk. Before she could change her mind again, she deftly reached to pull her t-shirt over her head. In her haste it snagged around her armpits and feeling like all sorts of a fool she tugged it and eventually freed herself from the tangled confines. Again the cautious side of her suggested that entanglement was a signal not to go through with this. The daring side of her head reminded her she was already nearly undressed, so she might as well go through with it.

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