Compulsion part 19

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The door to the study had barely closed when Elias hauled her into his arms and kissed her. Startled and unprepared Georgia responded automatically and instinctively. His arms banded around her as he held her flush to him. Georgia's arms were trapped between their bodies her palms splayed across his chest where they felt the thunder of his heart beat.

It was as if they had never tasted each other before. His lips, his mouth, his teeth took leisurely control of the kiss. Pressing, tasting, nipping as he invited her on a journey she had no intention of refusing. Their tongues met, delicately, lovingly, tentatively touching as if to signal tenderness and affection. Only for their lips and teeth to up the ante, issuing demands, signalling needs, identifying the direction. So it wasn't long before Georgia's arms crept up his chest and locked around his neck as she hung on for dear life when the kiss all but exploded with heat. Nothing affectionate there. Just a thirst and an appetite for more. She was becoming a craving, Elias thought when his hands splayed across her lower back and her butt and he all but positioned her to accept his desire. Georgia was left in no doubt about the fact that he wanted her. Here and now. A hunger like nothing before had her signalling her needs through the thrust of her tongue into his mouth, the pressure of her lips against his as she sucked and licked at his lower lip before nipping non-too gently at his full lower lip. If Elias thought he was in control of this kiss he was mistaken. The kiss raged on for several minutes and it was only the muted chuckle of laughter as guests passed on the other side of the door that eventually penetrated through Elias' haze. They could not take this further. Not here. Not when at any second they could be interrupted. The ache at his groin intensified as his mind registered the fact they had to stop. His hands moved to her hips and he attempted to set her a few inches away. Bemused Georgia opened her eyes, pupils dilated, confusion evident.

"We can't." He told her. "Not here. Not right now."

Which is when another group passing on the otherside of the door also laughed. It served as a useful reminder to Georgia. Still she could not bring herself to step away.

It was several minutes later that they slowly disengaged, with breaths shallow and pupils dilated. Georgia blinked. But still her brain would not function. For Elias it confirmed what had transpired earlier was not just a misplaced spark. For Georgia it confirmed that what had transpired earlier had not as yet reached its use by date.

Taking her by the hand Elias led her to the couch. She looked as dazed as he felt. With a suppressed smile he tugged at her hand and she followed him onto the couch. With her thoughts still scrambled she sat beside him.

"So," Elias began without any preamble to the conversation he wanted to have with Georgia, "we need to decide how fast we want to move." Elias knew that Georgia was likely to start second-guessing whether to get involved with him.

Georgia said nothing. She was still reeling from that kiss. How fast? What did that mean?

Time to go in with the big guns he thought. "I didn't use a condom." That had her blinking in consternation. She was a medic for goodness sakes, she was advocated safe sex and yet here she was not practising what she preached. "You could be pregnant." Elias said matter of fact.

That snapped Georgia back into reality. "Unlikely." She blinked at him. How did she get to the couch? " I'm on the pill. Irregular periods." She muttered though just because she was on the pill did not mean she was safe from STDs. She was half tempted to ask him if she should be worried about anything. "I'm working on the assumption that I don't need to visit a clinic!" She muttered.

"What?" It was Elias' turn to look bemused.

"No condom. Pregnancy isn't the only outcome with sex without a condom!" She mumbled.

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