Compulsion Part 20

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Neither Logan nor Bryony could hide their surprise at seeing the woman who walked in with Elias as his date. Bryony was secretly delighted to see Elias and Georgia had patched up their differences. She remembered how it felt to be at odds with the one you loved. The young couple got to their feet as Georgia and Elias reached the table and they greeted each other with handshakes and kisses to cheeks, before taking their seats.

"You weren't expecting to see me with Georgia." Elias said with a smug grin, as he sat across from Bryony and beside Georgia who had shrugged off her jacket and taken a seat.

"No." Bryony agreed with an impish grin. "But good to see you listen! So unusual in many men!" She said blithely. Then when Logan rolled his eyes at her statements, she added, "I guess Georgia explained, and unlike some," She looked across at her husband, "you listened." She grinned broadly and carried on even when Logan leaned across and kissed her cheek. "For the record, Georgia was only saying that despite your appearance you had stunning women flocking to you and she didn't stand a chance."

"Well you do." Georgia injected, when Elias frowned at her conclusion, "They don't come close to Bryony, she's probably been a vogue model, but you have to admit the women you date are incredibly beautiful."

"And you aren't?" Elias seemed baffled. He leaned back in his chair and looked over at Georgia as he said, "You need to get your eyes tested."

"Elias! You know what I mean." Georgia shifted uncomfortable with the public scrutiny but privately pleased to hear his words.

"No, sweetheart. I don't." Elias shook his head and while he carried on talking, Georgia's heart had all but done a somersault when his term of endearment registered. "Bryony, I agree," He smiled at the other woman and said, 'is stunning and any man would...."

"That's my wife." Logan interrupted with a mock hint of warning. "Just a reminder!"

Bryony rolled her eyes. "You're as blind as Georgia! Elias is not interested in me. He loves her." Georgia's eyes flashed to Bryony, how could she say that? But it was Bryony's husband who voiced Georgia's thoughts.

"Bryony, you've met him twice, you can't make a declaration like that on the basis of two meetings!"

"Course I can. It's obvious!" Bryony chuckled. "No offence Georgia, but Logan, you must be as blind as her!" She told her husband bluntly.

Logan and Georgia looked at each other, their lips quirked and their eyebrows shot up. They banked their smiles and waited for their respective partners to keep talking.

"I think you and I," Elias looked across the table at Bryony and grinning broadly said, "should take them to an optician."

"Yes." Nodded Bryony. "Good idea!" She agreed buying into his teasing.

Elias winked as he added, "They could get a sight test while we could grab a quiet lunch and..."

"Over my dead body." Logan muttered loudly.

"Ditto." Whispered Georgia softly.

Both were heard.

Bryony and Elias grinned victoriously. Points proven their eyes said. Just then the waiter appeared to take their drinks order, tell them what the specials were for the evening and to leave them with menus to consider.

After the four had ordered their drinks, Georgia turned mischieviously toward Bryony and said, "So would now be a good time to ask Logan about the seduction?"

Logan looked across at his wife who was squirming, "Sure." Bryony shrugged somewhat sheepishly before she looked over at her husband and explained, "I was telling Georgia last night about my attempt to seduce you."

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