Compulsion Part 25

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"Morning." He mumbled against her back, his hand splayed across her chest and beneath her breast noticed the increase in heart beat as she surfaced from her sleep. His lips brushed against her shoulder. His hand stroked lower, coasting along satin skin. Caressing the indent of her waist before coming to a rest on her hip.

He'd driven up last night in time for the conference dinner where he had met many of her colleagues. It was an interesting evening, not just for the fact many people were meeting them as a couple and many of them had known Georgia for years. They were only too keen to tell him he was the first partner she had brought to a conference dinner. And as such were inquisitive.

Elias was pleased he had driven up to be with her for it gave him more of an insight into her professional life. Any information about her was useful. The more he learnt about her the more he knew he was falling in love with her.

They returned to her room late last night and after showering and changing for bed, had promptly discarded their clothes to engage in bout of lovemaking. Which is how they both came to be sleeping naked.

"Morning." He heard the sleepy murmur as she instinctively settled back against him. The man was a furnace she thought sleepily as her back registered his body heat.

Elias's fingers teased along the silky skin of her thigh, stroking sensually, the pads of his fingers ghosting the skin. Then he gently shifted her leg until she was almost lying in the recovery position. Georgia's body responded instantly. She rapidly became damp at the juncture of her thighs. Elias slid his body lower. He inhaled. The scent of her immediate arousal was a welcome sign. He took his hand off her leg just long enough to help guide his way into her, and in one sure thrust was buried to the hilt.

Her breath caught. Her heart raced. Her eyes flew open.

Her voice hitched. "Eli.."

He stopped moving. Just remained buried. "Mmm." Elias murmured, his lips close to her earlobe. He nibbled. His teeth pinching gently as he caught her earlobe and tugged gently.

"Ohhh." Came the pant in response.

His tongue stroked the inner furl of her ear, before his lips trailed along the column of her neck and he pressed a series of kisses to her skin. Her pulse registered. Gently he began to rock with her. Slow. Tender. Not fully withdrawing. Gentle pressure.

Her breathing became short pants. Her heartbeat became a loud drum.

His palm gently held her him. Holding her flush to him. The penetration nothing more than slow, deep, thrusts. Georgia's belly began to tremble. Her toes began to curl.

The tempo was slow. The impact was huge.

Elias' palm slid forward, his fingers caressed her hipbone before inching lower toward the juncture of her thighs.

Georgia's head fell back against his shoulder. The fluttering in her belly escalated.

Tenderly he planted kisses along the nape of her neck, the slope of her shoulder, the curve of her jawline. The he pressed forward. Deeper. Higher. Slower. Just arching over her, almost covering her with his body.

A low mewl was not a sound she recognised until she realised she was responsible for it. The contractions in her belly intensified.

Elias rocked forward and rolled to cover her. He planted one hand, palm down on the mattress, beside her face. The feel of her lips brushing against the pulse at his wrist nearly caused him to loose his control. Against her lips she all but felt his pulse accelerate. And deep inside her she felt powerful. He might be in charge here but she had power over him. She brought her legs closer together, sheathing him more completely. Closer. Firmer. More.

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