Compulsion Part 14

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"Elias?" Georgia opened the door and failed to hide her frown of consternation when she saw who it was. She kept her hand on the door and the other at the doorframe, in essence keeping him at the door.

It was just gone nine on Saturday morning. And once again Georgia wished she'd thought to check who was at the door before she opened it. Too late. She was tempted to run her hands down her thighs but managed to restrain herself from that giveaway notice of her nerves.

Elias stared at her. Once again her attire was not what he would have associated with her. She was dressed casually. And in what at best could be described as tatty clothes! He could see that the fact he was staring openly at her was not going down too well. With a statement that sounded far too practiced and trite to his own ears, Elias rushed into speech, "I've left my wallet somewhere. I'm retracing my steps."

"Oh." Georgia was more than mildly disconcerted. She hadn't expected to see him. But here he was. He had always been able to carry off that rugged, masculine look, even as a teenage boy he'd managed it. But now as an adult the impact was a hundred fold more. In black t-shirt and black jeans he should look ordinary. Not extraordinary she thought.

"Can I come in?" Elias asked pointedly when she made no move to allow him into the house.

"Yes. I guess." She frowned as she considered her options. "You'd better come in." She said even though she did not move away from the door to allow him access. When Georgia realised he was still looking at her clothes, she felt compelled to explain, "We are clearing out the attic."

Which appeared the cue for her father to appear. "Oh Morning Elias." Jacinto grinned broadly as he came toward the couple at the door. "Can't keep away eh?" He teased when he was a few feet from Elias and Georgia.

"Dad, Elias has lost his wallet." She announced as if that explained everything.

"Oh." Jacinto looked over at Elias and asked, "You think you might have left it here?"

Elias nodded. It was easier than confirming the lie.

Jacinto gestured to Elias to step in, "Come in. Come in. Come through. Excuse us." He smiled encouragingly, "Georgia and I are clearing the attic, going to paint it later." He said matter of fact. Then turned to face his daughter and said, "Georgia why don't you help Elias and I'll take this stuff on up. And be back in a moment." He grinned happily at the two adults in front of him. Looked like his prayers were going to be answered.

Georgia banked her protest, turned and said to Elias, "Shall we try the study?" Assuming her father had not taken Elias on a tiki tour around the house last night, then the only place Elias could have left his wallet was in the study. Without waiting for him to respond she pirouetted and started to walk down the hall.

Elias nodded and followed her. Her hair was back in a plait and the oversized men's shirt hung as low as mid thigh, but even in the baggy trousers and loose shirt she looked sexy. Elias was starting to wonder if there was something in the local water. For everything she wore seemed to excite him! Why was he getting hard looking at a woman he had known all his life, a woman who was dressed in a way that made not attempt to make the most of her attributes, a woman who did little to encourage him and a woman currently scowling at him. He was sure she was scowling, even though she had her back to him as she stalked down the hallway.

"About last night." Elias said as they marched briskly along the hallway. "I'm not going to apologise for kissing you." He had come prepared with a speech to address what had happened between them last night.

"Fine." Grunted Georgia.

"And in the clear light of day, I'm not sorry I kissed you." Elias continued with dogged determination, despite the fact she was back to being stubborn. The very set of her shoulders suggested she was going to be difficult.

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