Compulsion Part 28

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Elias knocked firmly on her bedroom door and then without waiting turned the handle, opened the door and stepped into the room.

"Cait go away!" Georgia's instruction was muffled by the fact she was face down on her bed and buried under the duvet. She figured that as her father had left several minutes ago, having secured no further information, that he would no doubt have sent Caitlin to try her luck. When Caitlin said nothing in response, Georgia rolled onto her side ready to order her sister out of the bedroom, only to find Elias standing by the door, watching her. "Cait can be bloody annoying!" She muttered, figuring her sister had contacted him.

Elias snorted and responded, "Not a patch on you!" He closed the door behind him and while she was taking umbrage at his comment, he stalked over to the bed. He was in a black tshirt and black jeans, fairly standard attire Yet as he approached the bed Georgia couldn't help salivating despite the fact she had seen him with another woman.

Geogia rolled up to a sitting position, and dragged the duvet closer. She narrrowed her gaze and snapped, "Elias, I'm really not in the mood..."

"For what?" He asked silkily, cutting her off mid sentence, and adding his own ending to the sentence. "A chat? Because that's why I'm here." He plonked himself down on her bed, sitting side on to her.

"I've had a busy day. I'm really tired." She grumbled. "So perhaps we could save this chat for tomorrow." Georgia wrapped her arms around her knees bunching the duvet as she hugged her pajama-clad legs.

Elias shook his head and she could see the determination in his eyes. "No. Because then you'd spend the night rehashing an innocent event." He saw her reaction to that statement, but persevered, "and by daylight you would make it appear even worse."

Her eyes narrowed another fraction and her lips firmed into a thin line. She tipped her chin up at him, "I don't know what you are talking about." She said haughtily.

But he was right. The event had been replaying over and over in her head. All she could see was Elias' hands framing the face of the woman. The woman was turned slightly so that most of her back was to the glass windows, which meant Georgia could not see her face clearly. But she could see the woman had short dark brown hair. She was quite short, given Elias was bending toward her. She was slim. But that was all the information Georgia had. The crucial bit being that Elias had his hands cupping her face, and from what she could see his thumbs were brushing the woman's cheekbones. Hardly an innocent event! She glared at him.

Elias shook his head. "You are a really poor liar!" His lips twitched despite the fact the moment had serious implications. Then he narrowed his eyes at her and said with a rueful sigh, "I should have seen that when you threw me that red herring at lunch time about coming down with the flu!" He reached past her, planted a hand on the other side of her feet, his chest and shoulder brushing her duvet-covered legs as he leaned closer. "But at the time I was so delighted to see you, my brain was addled!"

Georgia pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Come on Georgia." He challenged. "Don't do this." He put a hand on her duvet-covered knee and gave her a gentle encouraging squeeze as he said, "We need to talk about this."

"What's there to talk about?" She asked haughtily.

"For starters. What you think you saw." He repeated calmly and his hand remained on her knee. Georgia snorted softly. "You want to tell me what you think you saw?" He prompted, his eyes encouraging her to talk to him. But he could see that she was going to be really obstinate. Looked like Cait was right, her sister knew how to sulk! Though he doubted Cait thought Georgia looked gorgeous when she pouted, which is what Georgia was doing right now!

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