Compulsion Part 22

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Georgia walked back into the study with a self-satisfied, albeit dazed, look on her face and found her sister grinning at her. "You two. Finally!" Caitlin smirked as soon as Georgia walked into the study. "That man is seriously smitten!" Caitlin chuckled in shared delight. How many years had she waited to see her sister this happy? How many conversations had they had where they had imagined this situation? Georgia smiled sheepishly which made Caitlin giggle a bit more. "And you look like you have been thoroughly kissed." Caitlin teased her sister.

Georgia rolled her lips inwards but couldn't help the smile that took the sparkle in her eyes to a whole new level of a supernova. "Fourteen years I've waited for that man!" Georgia murmured as she flounced into the chair Elias had only recently vacated. She looked over at her sister and wiggled her eyebrows and then beamed, "And he gets concerned about us making out because you and Dad are in the house!" Georgia snuggled back into the chair as if she could recreate the sense of being cuddled by Elias, just by sitting in the same chair.

Caitlin chuckled openly delighted with the state of affairs. "I'm really happy for you Georgia." Caitlin announced thrilled to find that after all these years things were finally working out for her sister. "He's a nice guy. Slow. But nice." Georgia laughed without taking umbrage. Caitlin grinned. "Well he was slow. He should have noticed you years ago." Caitlin announced glibly before teasing, "And he should have asked you to marry him instantly."

"I'm the one who reads romance novels remember, not you." Georgia told her sister.

"Yeah. And you are living a real one."

Georgia wasn't quite sure about that, for she wasn't expecting forever after. But that didn't matter. Today is what mattered. She was going to enjoy what she had. Tomorrow could look after itself. She hoped.

"Elias is coming to lunch tomorrow." Georgia announced sheepishly. "Is it your turn or mine to get it organised?"

"Ah, sounds like you and Elias are getting serious." Caitlin sat curled up on the sofa, "And dad said he'd get lunch organised. Was my turn but he said he'd do it." Caitlin said.

Georgia knew exactly why her father had offered. "You ok?" Georgia's eyes reflected her concern. If their mother were here, she'd know exactly how to help Caitlin.

Caitlin bobbed her head and sighed quietly. "It was tougher than I expected." She closed her eyes and tipped her head back, "Not sure why. But tonight was really difficult."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Georgia asked quietly.

Caitlin shook her head. "No. Not really. Not at the moment." She opened her eyes. "More interesting topic to talk about, you and Elias, hmm?" She smiled at her sister. "You, as to be expected, look like a cat that's got the cream!"

Georgia grinned.

"So, I guess he's a good kisser hmm?" Caitlin teased.

Georgia's grin widened.

"I'm really pleased for you Georgia." Caitlin said with a broad smile of her own, "I hope he knows he's a lucky guy!" Caitlin said, before adding, "I'll tell him when I see him!"

"He's coming to lunch tomorrow and then we are going to the pictures after that."

Caitlin's ears picked up. She liked going to the movies. She had to drag Georgia out to see whatever was doing the rounds. "Oh, What's showing? I could..."

"No, you couldn't." Georgia stated firmly with distinct emphasis.

Caitlin huffed. She sunk back into the couch, "Oh, right. Ok. I get it. I won't invite myself along."

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