Compulsion Part 9

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Georgia had high expectations after that magical evening with Elias. The only problem was that she thought she might have left him with mixed messages. Their time together during the evening was the stuff of legends! They talked, and talked. Danced occasionally. Chatted with other people occasionally. But for the bulk of the evening they had spent most of the time just sitting, laughing, and talking, about everything and anything. And it was oddly liberating and exciting.

But as the evening drew to a close, and the crowd thinned as people left the venue, Georgia announced that as it was getting late, she too should be heading home. Which is when the other two couples at the table suddenly realised that Georgia and Elias had not attended the fundraiser as a couple. Up until that point the people at the table had simply assumed that Georgia and Elias were a couple. Or at the very least on a date. They certainly acted as if they were together.

So everyone was beyond surprised when Georgia thanked Elias for his help earlier that evening, thanked him for allowing her to sit at his table and then announced she was heading home as she was on duty the following day. It was in response to the barrage of puzzled questions that Georgia shyly admitted that she was at their table because of a mix-up. She told them about the entrance saga and the fact she was going to be turned away, until Elias came to her rescue. At which point, despite the body language they had seen over the course of the evening, the other two couples became aware that it was circumstance rather than choice that had thrown Georgia and Elias together.

Oddly they found that rather sad. For from where they had sat, Georgia and Elias seemed to be perfectly matched. They seemed at ease with each other. They seemed practically joined at the hip. There seemed to be chemistry there. Which is why the others had assumed that Georgia and Elias were dating and a long established couple. It had never occurred to those observing Georgia and Elias to ask about their relationship. It was obvious they were an item. So it was disconcerting to find out that in reality they weren't! 

Sara and Ally had shared bemused looks for they had commented earlier during the evening when they had sat and watched Georgia and Elias slow dancing, that it was lovely to see the relationship and chemistry between the 'young' couple!  Georgia and Elias had spent most of the evening laughing and talking, like close, intimate friends. So to learn at the end of the evening that Georgia and Elias had arrived separately and were only sitting at the same table because of an issue at the door rather than because they were on a date, was disappointing.

But what was even more astonishing was the fact that Georgia and Elias were not leaving together! In fact much to their surprise Georgia had less than subtly turned down Elias' offer to walk her to her car. It was all really rather odd! A young couple that looked and acted as if they were in love, where actually just together due to a door entry saga? Could that be right? Neither Sara nor Ally bought that explanation. In any case, even if that was the reason for them sitting together, that wasn't the end of it. There was chemistry there. Real, tangible chemistry. So surely after what had gone on during the evening, Elias and Georgia would leave together! Surely.

Elias, like Sara and Ally and their respective husbands found Georgia's announcement about leaving surprising. But Elias was not ready for the evening end like this. He was going to insist on walking her to her car. So he bided his time. Elias watched as she said goodbye and thanked everyone for their company and for a lovely evening before she got to her feet. Elias also got to his feet, ready to walk with her.

 It was just a shame that faith intervened once again. Two of the organisers arrived at the table to once again thank him for his support and to update him on the likely sum the night had raised. Georgia used that moment to get up on tiptoe, kiss his cheek and thank him again for the evening. Then she congratulated the organisers on organising the evening. The two organisers were drunk on the success of the evening and eager to share the glory. 

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