Compulsion Part 15

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On a late Sunday evening, when Caitlin stepped into the study she wasn't surprised to see her sister lying on her back with her feet and calves propped on the couch. Caitlin knew that when Georgia had a shift at the hospital she came home and spent time giving her legs some respite by propping them up above her head.

"Hey." Caitlin called as she stepped into the room and closed the study door behind her.

"Hey." Georgia replied lazily and remained on the floor. This time unlike the time Elias had found her with her bare feet up and her hair down, this time, her hair was in two plaits, and though her feet were up, they were sock clad.

Caitlin headed straight for Georgia and sat on the couch by her sister's feet. "Want me to massage your feet?" She asked without any preamble. Caitlin like her sister was dressed in jeans and tshirt, but unlike Georgia, Caitlin's jeans were old and her tshirt crumpled. In contrast Georgia was pristine.

Georgia turned her head and held her book away from her face, and narrowed her gaze in suspicion as she asked, "What do you want?"

"What?" Caitlin laughed instantly, and deflected the question. "That's just charming!" She chided with a twinkle in her eyes as she made herself comfortable on the couch. "I thought you might want your feet massaged."

"Yeah, exactly!" Georgia put her book down. "So what do you want?" Georgia replied with open suspicion in her eyes. She knew her sister well. They got on well. And Caitlin gave great foot massages. But she never usually volunteered them!

Caitlin laughed happily. Georgia quirked a brow and waited. Even though both women had different social circles, and both had busy careers, they were still very close. They both lived at home with their father, despite the fact they were in their twenties. They were a tight unit of three, and were well used to each other's foibles.

Seeing her older sister's expectant look, Caitlin grinned. "Ok, ok, I want details." Caitlin chuckled and then leaned forward so that she could look straight at her sister when she said with a wriggle of her eyebrows, "All the juicy details!"

"About what?" Georgia picked up her book and made a big show of starting to read it again. She was fairly sure she knew what Caitlin wanted to know about. She just wasn't sure she was ready to talk about it. Not that that would stop her sister from prying.

Caitlin looked smug. She intended to get all the details, even if Georgia was equally determined not to reveal any.

"Well, dad and I were stuck in traffic, in the car for over an hour and a half." Caitlin said by means of an introduction and reached for her sister's closest foot. She tugged it on to her lap. Gently Caitlin began to massage the sole of Georgia's foot and was repaid with a sound of bliss from Georgia as the gentle pressure eased some of the strain. Caitlin increased the pressure slightly knowing that Georgia would expect it. "Guess what we talked about?" Caitlin asked with a growing smirk.

Georgia was pretty sure she knew what the topic would be during that car trip. But she huffed and said dryly, "The weather?" She kept her book up, so Caitlin could not see her face or more importantly her eyes.

"Much more interesting than that!" Caitlin chuckled. She decided to give her sister a more than gentle nudge. "I listened to his account of the great Georgia and Eli kiss!" Caitlin kept a firm hold on her sister's foot when Georgia would have pulled away.

"He didn't say that." Georgia put the book down on the floor beside her, propped herself up on her elbows and huffed with annoyance. She wouldn't put it past her father to tell Caitlin about what he'd seen.

"Oh yeah, he did. He couldn't sound happier." Caitlin smiled happily. "Dad went on and on about catching you and Elias kissing."

"Surely that's not typical dad type behaviour. Most dads would feel uncomfortable talking about seeing their daughter kissing some random guy!"

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