Compulsion Part 18

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Her words were the key.

Before she could catch her breath, Elias had lifted her up and settled her against the very tip of him. With his arms holding her tight he leaned in and kissed her.

"I'm not sure I can wait." He said against her lips as he did his best not to simply lower her onto him. He nuzzled her jawline, her ear, her lips. With her legs wrapped around his waist he backed her against the shower partition. "This is so bloody dangerous." He muttered. "We should be in bed." The water hit them both on the shoulder as they staggered around and turned side on to the dials.

"Here's fine." She licked along his throat, teasing the throbbing pulse by nipping gently and then licking lightly. In any case if they stopped long enough to make the journey from the shower to the bed, she might well start panicking. She wanted to do this. She just wasn't sure whether her lack of experience was going to do her any favours.

"Easy for you to say." He groaned as she continued to tease him. He pleaded, "Georgia. Stop, unless you want me to take you now." What was he saying? They were already way beyond they should be. What happened to a gradual build up? What happened to slow, gentle?

"I do." Georgia told him without any preamble or hesitation. Now that she had found the courage to follow her desire she had no intention of letting things slide.

Elias closed his eyes, and with little finesse and a great deal of urgency he dragged her hips down as his pumped up. One firm thrust. In a tight, warm, wet channel. "Fuck!" He groaned as she clenched around him, half embedded. "You are so fucking tight, and hot, and wet." He muttered against her shoulder as he eased her up and lowered his hips, only to once again quickly bring her down on him, this time the thrust went higher, harder.

Georgia panted and arched. He lifted her, then lowered her, again and again, each time going in deeper and higher. Her body clutched at him, holding him, squeezing him as he thrust in and out with a tenderness that she had not expected given how hard he felt to her. Her hands held firmly as her nails dug into his shoulders, her arms banded across, her legs crossed behind his back, her ankles locking her body into position.

They moved, slowly. Drawing out the moment extrapolated the sensation as nerves fired into awareness and then exploded with sensation. Each thrust deepened awareness and at the same time lost their sense of reality. Even the splash of water failed to register against their heated flesh. Nothing but the feel of skin, the taste of skin, the smell of skin registered. Every slow thrust seemed to be deeper. Higher. Every moan seemed louder. More intense. Every single cell seemed to be on a quest for a mate. Georgia did not know what to expect and yet this was so much more than anything her wildest imagination had ever constructed.

She felt as if she was literally about to splinter apart. The muscles in her stomach fluttered, trembled with demands and response. Her heartbeat was a pounding drum. Her pulse a racing signal.

Georgia went with instinct. Matching him. Giving as much as she got. Wanting as much as she gave. Reciprocity. Her arms banded tight around his neck and shoulders as she hung on as the thrusts deepened. His body pinned her. Refused to let her go. Higher. Deeper. Still they went after more. And more they got.

Elias groaned, the muscles in his neck grew taut, as he fought to control his orgasm, but as he came, Georgia felt a brief spurt of pain, and then felt him ejaculate. His arms held on tight, holding her to him as his body locked and then shook and then splintered. His knees all but buckled, it was only the fact that her arms around him locked tighter as he exploded that reminded him, barely, to hold her tight. He staggered, and barrelled into the wall, her back pressed against the tiles, his front pressed against her front as his body convulsed and he came.

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