Chapter 11

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Haerin's POV:

We arrived to a small house in a pretty street. The outside of the house was full of flowers around it which made it even more pretty. And it was Danielle's.

Surprisingly her house wasn't too far from mines, I could walk to hers. Hm.

"We're here."

I stopped the car in front of the house waiting for Danielle to leave me. I don't know why it was hard to leave but-

"Leaving already?"


"You want me to come?"

"I thought we were going over the plan, you still want me right?"

"Yes! I mean- yes. But I thought you didn't want to do this anymore, you know. After what happened?" I say surprised.

"Well, I thought about it, but you told me it wouldn't happen again. Plus, you got me all this stuff, it would be selfish of me." I didn't know why, but I was really happy to hear that, I mean she was the girl I was searching for.

"We should head inside." She says leaving the car and I follow.


As soon as we walked in, there were still a few unopened boxes and only little furniture. "Please don't mind the mess." She says pushing aside some boxes.

She leads the way to the kitchen. And pull out two tall stools for the counter. "Your house is really nice Danielle."

"You probably have a way nicer house. But it'll do for now." She says looking through the fridge.

"Is Hanni living with you?" I say looking around.

"No~ it's just me. You can look around if you want, I'll order food." Before I could say something about ordering food she stopped me. "I got it." She says smiling. I knew she was tired of me paying for everything but what can I say.

I got up and went around the rooms in her home and noticed she didn't have a bed anywhere. "Danielle. Where's your bed?"

"Oh it's still being ordered."

"Where are you going to sleep?"

"Oh Im staying over at Hanni's, and after Im done packing, I'll move back in."

"Oh, okay." I was a little disappointed for some reason, maybe I just wanted to be with Danielle more. Ah what am I saying.

"Thank you for looking out for me~." She says with a smirk. I think my face just turned red because it was heating up.

"It's nothing~ I'm just looking out." I say avoiding her eyes.

We sat and chatted for a little while, mostly about each others family and more about our life.

"Knock knock"

"I'll get it." I said. before Danielle could get up.

I grabbed the food from the delivery guy and head over to Danielle. "This looks good."

"It's nothing fancy but I hope it'll do~." She says. The room was quiet for a bit because we were just eating until Danielle broke it.

"So, are you gonna tell me what I have to do?" Ohh, I almost forgot.

"Okay, I was thinking, starting tomorrow. We- start acting like a couple. But not to obvious. Un-Understand?"

"I think?"

"I'm going to make you meet my parents-" I paused for a moment. If Danielle meets my parents right away, this will be over faster. "You'll meet them soon. But for now, you and me have too make it seem like we're- couples." She nods in response not bothered much.

"So how obvious do you want me to be. Like holding hands, or just walking besides you. Type."

My face starts heating up thinking of what she says. "Whatever your comfortable with."

"Oh, Haerin." I look up at her. "Can I tell Hanni about this... she's going to ask a lot of questions."

I hesitate because, Hanni talks to much. But I trusted Danielle. "Just Hanni." She gives me her happy smile and continues eating. She was cute. Her smile never failed to make me feel things.
Danielle's POV:
We were just eating and talking for about an hour now. While talking, Haerin seemed to make me admire her more. I noticed she would talk a lot about the little things in her life and what she liked to do. I didn't know if she was just telling me these things for the whole "plan" thing or if she was just this genuine. And when I talked she was attentive and payed close attention to the words that came out of my mouth. I have never met anyone this good of a listener. She made me feel like none of my words were put to waste. Our conversations were full and had little awkwardness. I felt comfortable with her.

All of a sudden, Haerin got a text so I let her answer. But soon I noticed she seemed a bit confused then shocked. "Is everything okay?" I said a bit worried.

"Oh, yeah. It's just my parents. Danielle, I-I should be going." We been doing so much together today and I didn't realize it was already 10.

"Of course." She started packing up her stuff. And I just watched her movements and it led me to meet her eyes. She gives me her cat like smile I really liked.

I walk her to the door and watch her leave my house. "Good night Danielle." She says waving.

"Good night Haerin." I say back at the lovely girl.
Third POV:
Danielle watches as the other drives out of her driveway and onto the streets, away from her house. The weather was starting to become colder and a gust of wind blows and hits Danielle, causing her to realize she had been staring out, still thinking about Haerin.

"It's too cold out here."

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