Chapter 15

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Haerin's POV:
I walked with Danielle's heavy backpack to my car and put it in the trunk. I guess she had a lot of books or something, well she was very smart. But I couldn't escape the thought of how attractive Danielle looked. She does every time but today, was something else. Just the thought of her face and body made my face turn red, I don't really know why.

My thoughts were disturbed once I saw the girls coming towards the car. So, as a gentleman I am. I quickly walk to the other side of the car and open the door so they could get in.

Once Hanni got in I opened Danielle's door and she settled into the front seat. "You know you don't always have to do everything for me." She said as she looked up at me from her seat.

I leaned towards Danielle and we got closer. "I like to do things for y- others." I had almost said you. But didn't know why. But there was this feeling. We sat staring at eachother's eyes for a few more seconds.

"Eh-mh" I looked over to Minji seeing her eyebrows raised in a cheeky way, and then back to Danielle and realized what we were doing. Why did she have to ruin everything.

I noticed Danielle get awkward and I said something else to get rid of the awkwardness.

"Oh, Do you need help with the seatbelt again?" That was the first thing that came out of my mouth. Aish. But she just rolled her eyes playfully.

"Haha, so funny. I think I got it." I enjoyed this side of her it was so- hot. I knew she was trying to be cool but she couldn't hide the tint of pink on her face as she put her seatbelt on. "Are you just going to stand there and stare at me or, drive?" Ah, she caught me. I prefer the first option though. Now I wished I bought a Tesla so I could just stare at her. But this car couldn't drive itself and I was the driver, so I ran to my seat.

But once I got in, there was just giggling going on between Hanni and Minji. I guess they witnessed everything. "Y'all can flirt later, but help with the seatbelt?" Hanni says with genuine confusion on her face.

Danielle quickly turned in her seat to face Hanni. "It was nothing, so don't go assuming anything and I was fine." Danielle says defensively and faced back with her arms crossed. I looked over to Danielle to get a better view of this. I liked seeing this side of Danielle too.

It went quiet after that and we all sat listening to the music in the background but I think it became a bit to quiet for Minji because she started a conversation with Hanni. You could tell Hanni was a little shy at first and maybe a little uncomfortable but after a little while she started warming up to Minji.

They soon started to talk more and chatted away, while me and Danielle just listened to their conversation and laughed along with them when they told funny stories about us. A few times me and Minji got into small fights because one of us would say something embarrassing about eachother but it was funny. This feeling was new too me. But I liked this feeling. Ive never had other friends besides Minji and this felt like me and Minji but... better. I tend to push people away but I felt something pulling me to Danielle, and seeing her gave me hope that there's more to life.

We shortly arrived to school. But before I could step out of the car, I felt a hand thug me. "Haerin, wait." I sat back in the seat listening to Danielle a little worried something was wrong. I looked over to Minji and Hanni who were also confused. "Sorry, but I wanted to talk to you first." Danielle says looking at me with pleading eyes. Of course she could.

"It's okay. Minji you can go with Hanni we'll see you later." I say signaling Minji to leave with Hanni.

"Alright we'll see you later." Minji says helping Hanni out of the car.
Danielle's POV:
Once Minji and Hanni got out of the car, I faced Haerin.

I think she was a little worried because she asked me if everything was okay. And I told her yes and that I just needed to clear things up.

"I had a few questions I have to ask before we go in, you know, and I also asked Hanni about it and she gave me some answers but I'm still unsure."

"Of course. What do you want to know?" Haerin asked giving me her full attention, ready to answer my questions.

"Okay. First, what do you want me to do, you know to act like we're "dating." My eyebrows furrowed not sure if I sounded stupid to her.

"What ever feels comfortable for you." Haerin says with a soft smile, leaving it up to me.

"Okay and, won't it be suspicious to others that I'm all of a sudden with you?" I say a little stressed waiting for her answer.

"Okay... Easy." Easy? I've been stressing thinking about everything and she isn't? "If anyone asks why we're together all of a sudden, just say we're dating." What?? She just wants it like that? She then gave me a quick smile. Why was She was taking this so lightly?! But I wasn't done-

"What if people start rumors and and-" Before I could finish she left the car!? "Haerin!! I wasn't Done!!" I quickly got out and ran up to Haerin. "Haerin!"

"Yeah Danielle?" She said walking besides me calmly.

"So that's it??" I say confused on what she wanted.

"Yeah pretty much. I think it should just be straight forward so no one can take you." She said acting innocent and continued walking.

I stopped walking to re-play what she said. Stop it Danielle. She didn't mean it like that. I slap myself mentally because what was I thinking this was all for show. "Danielle! You coming?" I looked up to her sweet voice and see her waving to come to her and so I did, I just wanted to enjoy the time at school and with her.
As soon as we entered the building all eyes were on us. I was getting a Bit anxious because there were all sorts of looks and whispering going on. And also because of the incident with Haerin's Ex.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Haerin says.
A pair of hands slid into mines and then I felt her warm hands... settle into mines.

Her hands were in mines. "H-haerin-" I say full of different emotions, I've never felt, I stared down at our intertwined hands.

"It's just for a bit, don't worry." She then snaps me back to reality, reminding me that this was apart of our deal. Focus Danielle. If I am going to do this job, I can't let Haerin down and I have to accept everything Haerin does to me. It's too late to turn back now, but even if I could... I don't think I would.

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