Chapter 16

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Danielle's POV:
Haerin and I had walked all the way to my homeroom, with our hands still together. Her hands were hard, but she held a soft grip...

"Here we are." She says, still holding on.

I slowly let go of her hand, I didn't think it was necessary, especially since no one was watching now.

We stayed like that for a few minutes not realizing. But she didn't say anything though even after I realized and just stared at me blankly. The bell's signal played letting us know class was going to start soon, and I had to go to class, so I spoke first. "Well, I'll get going now Haerin..."

I waited for a few minutes and still got no response.

"Bye?" I say, confused but She walked away... woah. I didn't even get a bye back. But she seemed like she had something on her mind and maybe some place to be. But friends still made time to say hi and byes.

Disappointment and hurt lingered inside me. Was this what Hanni was talking about? Was she also faking being sweet and was never genuine. I'm just over thinking it right? Forget it, I had class to attend.

I went in and walked over to my seat in the back of the classroom, I just wanted to blocked everything away at the moment. Why did she have such an effect on me??

I shake my thoughts out and sit down and grab my things out for class like how I should be doing instead of thinking about Haerin.

"Good morning everyone." By now Miss. Kim had walked in and even she was all ready. "Everyone open your books to...." Enough, time to focus now.
It had been ten or fifteen minutes of class when there was an interruption during the lesson.

"Knock knock." A figure like a short women appeared at the door and Miss. Kim went to open the door for our guest. "Oh, Miss. Yoon, what brings you here?" It was just one of the ladies who worked in the office.

"Sorry for interrupting but there was a change needed to be made." By now I went back to my notes because I hadn't been paying much attention in class and missed a few things during the lesson and needed to finish my notes.

"But we Are transferring a Student to your homeroom." Now I looked up, more Interested in this then notes. "Haerin you can come in." Haerin. I sat up straight quickly after hearing her name, looking for her to come in with the transfer. Is that why she left earli-

"Haerin will be in this homeroom for the rest of the year." Hold up...Haerin??! Haerin, herself was the transfer?!

"Hi Miss. Kim. I would like to be in this homeroom from now on." She said with a quick smile towards Miss. Kim and then over to me. Oh my gosh-

Was she In charge or something? Well her parents were- She seemed like she had authority over the school! She then held an expression that showed her confidence and held a light smile on her face and bowed.

Was this how she acted at school? If it was so attractive- b-but why was she switching home rooms??

After her little show and my thoughts on this, she started her way to me and sat in the empty seat next to me and gave me a quick smirk. "Wha-"

"Everyone, Haerin will now be joining our class from now on, so make her feel welcomed." After Miss. Kim had finished saying that, everyone applauded just for Haerin and praised her. Although Haerin got all this attention, she gave a smile but it looked forced, and I knew it was because she dropped it as soon as Miss. Kim called for everyones attention. I guess she was used too this all. Her eyes had been emotionless this whole time but when she faced back to me, her eyes shone and gained the brightness she had before, when she was with me, had came back.

Although this all was distracting, I still wanted to know why she switched over to here!

"Why'd you switch over?" I whispered.

"Because I wanted to be with you." She whispered back, and started coming closer to my face. That statement made me redder than ever and her face being that close made me fold.

I pull my face back quickly, avoiding her eye contact.

But I have to keep my cool. "Oh, for all this too seem real." I say still avoiding her eyes, and trying to act normal and clam as possible.

"Yeah, that too. But I still do want to be with you." I look over to her quickly still red, after hearing that statement to read any expressions of if Haerin was messing with her, but it seemed genuine as she gave another soft smile. As I stared blankly at Haerin trying to cope everything. She looked away facing the teacher, and leaned back slowly on her chair so attractively.

My heart started to pound faster, seeing her do all this. What is wrong with me!!

"A-Alright." I say facing back to the teacher still red.

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