Good news

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ok class listen up. There will be 2 class trips, one for the freshman and sophomores and one for the juniors and seniors."

Mrs. Rein continued. "as for you guys, the juniors Y'all's trip is in 2 weeks. You and the seniors will be taking a trip to Colorado on a ski trip.

There will be cabins and based on what packaged you get is how big the cabin will be. Turn in permission slips and money in by This friday."

Mrs. Rein began to pass out permission slips with information about the whole trip on it.

"I'm so excited!" Kaylen says. "You better come."
"I'm most definitely coming." i tell my best friend.

"what cabin are you gonna get?" she asks "i think the deluxe." "that's the most expensive one." she says

"yea so?" i say. "i think the most expensive one my parents would get me is the premium." she says

"That's not to bad, at least it's not the normal." i reassure her. "yea but then we wouldn't be in the same cabin." kaylen complains.

"it'll be ok." i attempt to reassure her.

The bell rings and i go to my locker to put my books away. someone puts their hands on my waist.

Haze. "Hey." he says from behind me with his hands still on my waist. "Hi H." i smile.

He kisses me on the cheek. he leaves my waist and leans on the locker.

"what are you doing to night?" he asks. "after soccer practice , nothing." i respond as i close my locker.

"let me take you out." he says with a cute smile that always charms me. "fine."

"sweet pick you up at 8?" he asks. I nod before giving him a quick peck on the lips and making my way to the locker room.

i got dressed into my practice uniform and brushed my hair into a high pointy tail. i put some prewap on and grabbed my cleats.

"Alright girls let's head out to the field." i shouted through out the locker room.

me and the team walked to the field. "Ok let's start warm ups you know the drill." i yell.

The girls line up in 4 even lines. "Jog there and back." i yell. As we begin jogging from one end of the field to the other the Boy soccer team comes to the field.

"Uh Katrina please lead stretches until i get back." i jog over to the boys. "Why are you guys here." A tall attractive brunette says.

He singles himself out from the group. I would assume he's the captain. " We are scheduled for the turf field for 4:30 to 7" i say.

"That's bullshit because we are scheduled for 4:30 to 7." he says. "Who are you?" i ask confused.

He waves of the rest of the boys soccer team and the walk away towards the bleachers.

"I'm Kash , The varsity boys soccer team captain." he said towering over me.

"who are you." he says. " Delilah, The girls varsity soccer team captain." i say bubbily.

"i swear we are scheduled to practice here."  i jog over to my bag and grab my phone and jog back.

"see?" i show him a picture of our practice schedule. "i don't give a shit , we're practicing here." he smacks my phone out of my hand. 

"no reason to be rude." i say as i pick up my phone. "maybe we can share? we can have this half and you guys can have that one." i propose.

"no we need the full feild." he stands strong. "uh ok um i guess we will go to the indoor feild."

"You don't have a choice." He says as he walks towards his team.

i jog over to my team. "Hey girls change of plans we are going to have practice in the indoor feild." i say.

Me and the girls get our stuff and go have practice inside.
I slipped on my red dress that i hated but haze bought for me so i wear it for him.

I curled my hair and put on black heels. It was 7:53 so i decided to go outside and wait for haze.

I say on the steps on my house and waited. At 8:10 i checked my phone for a text from haze, but nothing.

8:30, nothing. 8:45 , nothing. i called haze , no answer. 9:15 i went back inside. "what's wrong ms. De marco"Our butler said.

"Nothing walter i'm going to bed goodnight." i dragged myself up stairs into my bed room.

I checked my phone one last time and no texts or calls from my boyfriend.

I took off my heels and dress and put on nike pros and an oversized hoodie. i went into my bathroom and wiped of the makeup i spent 45 minutes doing so that he would be happy.

I tossed my hair into a messy bun and  plopped onto my bed.

I scrolled through insta gram and someone popped up on my suggested. Kash parker.

I clicked on the page to see the boy i interacted with earlier today. He had 4 posts. One was a mirror pic of him shirtless with his abs showing.

The other one was a dump of him playing soccer.The next one was a picture of him in the gym and the last one was a picture of his car, a red hellcat.

I left his page without following him because He was rude and he would probably think i was stalking him.

I watched tiktok for about 30 minutes before i drifted asleep.

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