New friends

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I woke up to Kash watching tv.

"oh your awake." i smiled a weak smile at him.

"how are you doing." He stood up and walked over to me.

"good as i can be." i say. " i'm sorry it was my fault , it was my idea for the picture." he said.

"you didn't tell him to choke me." i laughed a little.

"He left a pretty bad mark on your neck." he said.

"i'll just have to cover it up."

"They have free breakfast in the lobby wanna go? if not we can just doordash."

He was so sweet even though he could be a jerk sometimes.

"yea let me get a jacket first." i got up and grabbed my hoodie.

I brushed my hair and put my hoodie on with the hood on.

We left the cabin and began walking.

"Kash i don't want you to just be nice to me because you feel bad ." i said

"i don't feel bad." he said. i looked at him and raised an eye brow.

"ok yea i feel bad. But my mom raised me to treat girls right yk?" he said

"People literally call you the school player." i say

He got silent. "Yea but i didn't used to be like that."

"what do you mean." i ask.

"either i get hurt or she does." he said.

"Not all relationships are like that kash."

He shrugged his shoulders. "as far as i've seen your an innocent girl who's never even had sex, what do you know."

He offended me. "That's not true."

"Delilah you literally smoked weed for the first time last night." Kash said.

"I try to stay away from that stuff but , i'm not a virgin and i haven't been for a while and haze is my 3rd boyfriend."

"who else have you dated?" he give me a look like he didn't believe me.

"Chris White and Gio Cattaneo."

"Gio sucks at soccer." he laughs.

He wasn't wrong. "speaking of soccer , what position do you play?" i ask him.

"mostly center mid , but i play every position to be honest." he says proudly.

"no way, me to." i say. "we have so much in common it's almost like we're sole mates." he joked.

I could tell he was the flirty type but wasn't always intentionaly flirting.

"you must be good to playing every position."

" says ms. 8 goals in one tournament with a hat trick."he says.

" I almost got 2." i said. We both laughed.

We reached the lobby and went inside. To my luck there haze was sitting with our friends and maddie.

i grabbed onto kashs arm and quickly let go. "Sorry."

He knew i was startled and nervous. "it's ok." he smiled.

We walked to where the food was and i grabbed a plate along with kash.

"Delilah." kaylen ran up to me.

she tried to hug me but i backed away. "how could you sit with them after what he did?" She opened her mouth to say something but i didn't let her speak.

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