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"So we're kinda snowed in and the lobby called and they can't bring the sheets, because we're snowed in. and we're stuck here. Because we're snowed in." kash said.

"what the fuck." i said.

He raised his eyebrows i surprise. "sorry." i guess he didn't expect that coming from my mouth.

"no it's good. it was kinda hot." he flirts again.

i rolled my eyes.

"wanna watch a movie?" he proposed.
"sure." we headed upstairs to the couch and put on a movie.

I sat on the opposite side of the couch and stretched out my legs as far as i could without touching kash.

He apparently noticed because he moved my legs to where they were resting in his lap.

I couldn't help but smile at his gesture. How did i not notice how defined his jaw is? And oh my god his lips...
His skin looks so smooth. What would happen if i ju-

"Like the view?"

If me and kash weren't the only people in the room i wouldn't have thought he was the one who was talking.

He didn't even turn his head. "Uh sorry." I mumbled.
I stood up and awkwardly fumbled down the stairs.
I said something about being right back as i headed to the bathroom.

I slammed the door behind me and covered my face in embarrassment even though i was alone.

Holy shit. You were staring delilah. AND HE SAW YOU.

Pull your shit together D, you got this.
I looked in the mirror and my face was red. Beet red. Tomato red. Whatever kind of red. The point is that my cheeks were completely flushed.

I turned on the sink and splashed some water on my face.


"Delilah, you good?" Kashs muffled voice startled me.

"Uh-Uh Yea i'm good." I said as i opened the door.
One of his eyebrows went up. "Why is your face wet?"

I quickly wiped my face with my sleeve.
"It's not."

Kash laughed. "Ookkk.....Are you ok? You"

"I'm fine." I cut him off. "You sure cause you sorta ran off after i caught you staring."

"I just-never mind."

"You can tell me Delilah." He leaned against the doorframe.

"Fuck kash just forget it." I said, frustrated as i pushed passed him."

He grabbed my arm. "Talk to me...please. Tell me what has you so worked up." His emerald eyes looked into mine.

"It's you kash."

I snapped.
"It's fucking you! You are what's got me so worked up and i'm losing my fucking mind and i do-."

I was interrupted because he pulled me in and kissed me. His hands found their way to my waist and mine to his neck.

He grabbed both of my thighs, picking me up.
I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked to the bed and laid me down.

Our lips fit perfectly together, like a puzzle.
Our kiss was so synchronized and in rhythm that you would think we had rehearsed it a million times.

I helped him get his shirt off and he tugged at my waist band.


I pushed on his chest and sat up "Kash,Kash...Wait."
"What's wrong did i do something?"

"No No...It's js that i've never-Im a..."

"You're a virgin." I could feel my face getting hot.
I nodded and looked away from him. This is even more embarrassing than 10 minutes ago.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me." I put my head in my hands.

"Why would i be mad?"


"And you don't have to apologize for anything you didn't do anything."

He grabbed my chin to make me look at him.
"Do you wanna finish the movie?" He asked gently.

I nodded. He grabbed my hand and led me back upstairs. I laid on his chest as we watched me movie.

I slowly began to drift off.

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