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I woke up still in kashs arms. At some point i guess we ventured to his bed last night. I tried to get up to go to the bathroom but his arms were holding me back.

I moved his arms and got up. "five more minutes."
Kash mumbled as he grabbed my wrist.

"Kash i have to go to the bathroom." i laughed.

"fine." he sighed. I went to the bathroom and went back to where he was.

I laid next to him and he laid in between my legs facing me as he wrapped his arms around me.

I was drifting back to sleep before i heard a knock on the door. "Who is crazy enough to walk through all this snow." Kash groaned.

i got up and opened the door.

"Bianca." i chuckled. She was wearing big snow boots and a puffer jacket.

"girl where are your clothes." bianca said. "I'm wearing a bra and spandex be fr." Kash walked behind me.

"And where is your shirt?" Bianca raised her eyebrow.

"Come in, it's cold." i said.

She came in and closed the door. She immediately set eyes on my bed. She looked at us and pointed at my empty bed.

"I got a little drunk." i say. "A little?" kash said.

"I puked all over my bed."

"Oh girl." she laughs. "wait where have you been sleeping ?"

Me and kash look at each other.
"Oh i see." she smirks.

"Well anyways i came to ask you guys if you wanted to go have dinner tonight, they've been putting salt on the roads so the snow should clear soon."

"sure, just you and enzo?" Kash said.

"No , mason and drew will be there to." Bianca said.

"ok." i said.

"Alright guys i gotta go but we will pick you up in 4 hours." She smiled as she left.

"why didn't she just text me?" Kash laughed.

"I don't even know."

An hour later
"Delilah hurry up."  Kash came into the bathroom.

"or what." i smirked.

"Do you really wanna know?" he laughed.
He wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my neck from the back.

"Bianca and enzo will be here in 5" he said.

He kissed my cheek before leaving the bathroom.

I finished getting ready and went to where kash was in the room.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed on his phone. "Ready?" i asked.

He looked up and smiled when he saw me. he grabbed my hand and twirled me around. " You look gorgeous."

"Thank you ." i said before meeting his lips.

We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

We both went to open it and it was enzo.

"Let's go guys." he said and he turned around to walk down the steps.

Me and kash made our way down the steps. "Watch your step." Kash whispered in my ear as he put on hand on my waist to guide me.

We got into the car and began driving to the restaurant.

"Hey love birds." bianca said.

"Love birds?" me and kash said at the same time.

"I know something is going on, and i'm gonna figure it out." she smirked and turned back around.

"Ok bianca." Kash said sarcastically.

We sat down at the table with bianca , enzo, mason, and drew.

I sat next to Kash obviously.

We all started socializing. "Do you play soccer outside of school Delilah?" bianca asked.

"Yea i play for TRC elite." i said.

Kash put his hand on my thigh which startled me a little bit.

"You ok?" bianca asked. "Yea , Yea." I laughed it off.

He began making circles with his thumb.

He was lowkey turning me on but we were at dinner.
He knew what he was doing.

I looked at his face and he was acting completely normal.

He did this for most of the dinner. After dinner Kash offered to pay for everyone's food.

Me and kash stood in line to pay for everyone's food while they waited in the car.

"what was that during dinner?" i asked. "what do you mean?" he said blankly.

I stared at him. "Ohh, that. I don't know. i Felt like it."
he shrugged. "You almost got us caught." i argued.

"Sorry i just can't resist you." he smiled as he leaned in for a kiss and i accepted.

"Ahem." Bianca cleared her throat. "I knew it." she boasted .

"bianca what are you doing in here." I asked.
"I forgot the car keys."

She walked off to where our table was and we got to the front of the line. Right as we finished paying , bianca came back.

We walked outside. "Alright , pay up." Bianca said to enzo, mason and drew.

They all sighed as they pulled out their wallets.

"What's going on?" Kash asked. "She bet us all 50$ each that she would walk in on you two kissing." Mason said.

"and now i'm 150$ richer." she smiled at us.

"They didn't believe me when i said i could sense that something between you two was going on."

"But im a girl, i sense it all." Bianca said proudly.

I face palmed myself.

"I guess we're caught." Kash said as he put one hand on my waist, pulling me in closer.

"They didn't believe me when i said that yall two had something going on." bianca says.

We all laughed.

We got in the car and headed back to the resort.

Kash grabbed my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I looked at him and he smiled.

I rested my head on his shoulder the rest of the car ride.

"Alright love birds we'll see you later." bianca said.

I chuckled. "bye." "see you." kash said. enzo waved good bye.

We held hands all the way inside. The warmth in his hand was enough to warm up my whole body.

He had a toll on me that i couldn't control.

We both changed and got in bed.
i cuddled up next to him and dozed off.

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