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"Are you all packed?" Kash asked. "Yea."

"alright let's go." he said. I grabbed his hand as our fingers interlocked and we went outside and waited for the shuttle.

After a few minutes it pulled up and the same man came out and helped us with our bags.

"Thank you." Kash said as he got into the shuttle behind me.

After a few minutes we arrived at the lobby with everyone else.

We walked over to bianca , enzo, mason and drew.

"what's up." kash said. "hey." mason said. "hi." drew followed. bianca waved and enzo said hi.

We all had our suitcases as everyone waited for the buses to take us back home.

We were all talking when i noticed kaylen and eva walking up to me.

"I'm really sorry D , I should have said something instead of just taking a picture." kaylen said.

"It's fine kaylen." i rolled my eyes. "so we're cool?"
"i guess." i said in annoyance.

"can you please come back to us , we miss you."

I looked passed her at the rest of the group to see haze, maddie , makena and tripp laughing.

"doesn't seem like it." i scoffed. "trust me we d-"

Bianca cut her off. "She's cool over here, we don't treat her like shit."

kaylen walked away but eva didn't say anything.

I couldn't be mad at her because she was sick that night and wasn't there.

"I heard what happened, I'm sorry he's such a jerk." she said and looked genuine.

"It's not your fault eva." i smiled.

"We're still cool right?" she asked.

"of course." i hugged her. "ok i'll catch you later."

she walked away. Maybe i should have made eva my best friend instead of kaylen.

"I like eva." bianca said. "glad to know you approve." i laughed.

The busses pulled up and we put our suitcases up and climbed on.

luckily haze or any of my fake friends were on the same bus as us.

I sat next to haze obviously, Bianca and enzo sat next to us. Mason and drew sat behind us.

Me and kash decided to play Imessage games for about 30 minutes before we decided to take a nap.


We got off the bus and kash helped me with my bags.
since it was Mid friday, we didn't have to be at school till monday.

"wanna come over?" Kash asked.

"Tempting but i need to get home and unpack." i said with a frown.

"What about after?" he said with a hopeful face.

"i'll text you." i smiled before kissing him and getting in my car to drive home.

I got home and went inside. "Delilah? Is that you?"
My mom said from upstairs.

She came running down the stairs and hugged me.

"Oh honey i missed you so much, how was your trip?"

"good but i broke up with haze." i said. "Are you doing ok?" she asked. "yes mom." i smiled.

"Who was at the door." my dad said as he came walking down the stairs before me saw me.

"Oh hey honey how was your trip?" he smiled.

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