Good day

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After me and kash made food we decided to watch a movie in his room.

I ended up texting my mom asking if i could spend the night and obviously she said yes.

I was laying on his chest with my eyes closed, listening to his heart beat.

thump...thump thump

thump...thump thump

"Are you even watching the movie?" I opened my eyes as kash asked.

I smiled as i closed my eyes again. "No."
He laughs as he runs a hand over my head.

"Kash." I said quietly, not opening my eyes.


I opened my eyes and shifted to look at him.

"Do you think we are taking things too fast?"

His green eyes met mine. "Do you?"
He seemed concerned or worried or something i don't know but he wasn't happy.

"I mean yes and no. Like things went really fast between us but i don't feel uncomfortable with it i just want to make sure you aren't." I said as i bit the inside of my cheek waiting for a response.

"Things happen." He shrugged.

I was now sitting up. "Sometimes they happen a little faster then we expect but does that make it a bad thing?" He smiled at me.

He's right. "I guess you're right." i said as i laid my head back down.

I closed my eyes again and listened to his heart beat.

Thump...thump thump

Thump...thump thump.

I woke up and reached over for kash but my hand fell on the bed. Opening my eyes i saw that he wasn't laying next to me anymore.

I sat up and looked around to see him standing on the balcony leaning over the railing, shirtless.

I stood up and slid the glass door open. He turned around with a blunt in his hand and smiled when he saw me.

He held his hand out to grab me by the waist, pulling me in.

"Good morning." He said as he kissed the top of my head.
"Morning." I yawned as i reached up for the blunt.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast.?" He said as i took a puff.

"I don't know, Maybe we should all go out for brunch?"

"Who's we." He looked down at me.

"Me,you, bianca, enzo, mason,drew, and i can invite eva." I smiled.

"ok i'll ask them." He smiled as he put out the blunt, and put it back in his pocket.

We went back inside and i texted eva.

"Ok so we're all meeting at the cafe downtown." Kash said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"I gotta go home and get ready,i'm gonna pick up eva i'll meet you guys there." I said as i stood up.

"Ok i'll walk you out."

I got into the car and headed to eva's house since her car was in the shop.

"Oh my gosh you look so good!" She said as she buckled her seat belt.

I was wearing a black fitted silk dress with matching heels and my hair was straightened. To be honest this is the most glossy my hair has ever been.

"Thank you." I smiled. "I love your purse where'd you get it." I said as i drove off.

"I think i got it from the boutique down the street from the library." She smiled as she buckled her seat belt.

Once we pulled up to the cafe me and eva got out and began walking inside.

We saw Kash, enzo and bianca sitting at a table with three empty chairs.

Kash was sitting across from enzo who was sitting next to bianca so i sat next to kash and across from bianca.

Eva took the seat next to me and i noticed drew and mason weren't here.

"Where's mason and drew?" I asked as i sat down.

Kash snaked his arm around my waist. " Mason has a basketball tournament and Drew is running late."

I nodded as the waiter came up to us asking for our drinks.

"I like this dress." Kash murmured in my ear.

I giggled as he nuzzled into my neck.

"Hi i'm bianca, this is my boyfriend enzo. We didn't really officially meet yet. Thats....Kash"
She said as she made a face at us flirting at the table.

Eva giggled. "I'm eva it's nice to meet you."

Drew came in and sat in the only empty seat across from eva. "Hey guys."

Everyone said hi and i introduced eva and drew.

Kashs hand naturally made its way to my thigh, giving it a squeeze every once in a while. I noticed Eva and drew were talking. Eva was blushing i think.

When it was time to order i still had no idea what to get so i ended up getting a cobb salad.

When the food came i took a bite of my salad and remembered how much i hate salad.

Like its literally leaves with sauce. Gross.
Kash must have noticed because he whispered in my ear.

"Do you not like your food?"

"Not really, i don't like salads." He moved his head back from my ear and gave me a weird look.

"So why did you order it?" I expected him to be annoyed but he seemed more concerned.

I shrugged. "I don't know it's a habit."

"Here." He said as he switched our plates

"Kash..." I drug out his name. "You're gonna make me feel bad." I whined.

"just eat it." He smiled. I took a bite of his sandwich and it taste so much better.

I grabbed one half and put it on kashs plate, Smiling.

"You guys are seriously too cute." Bianca says.

I smile.

After we  ate and paid i told eva i would meet her at the car.

Kash was sitting in the drivers seat of his car facing me standing outside infront of him.

He pulled me in by my waist.

"Have i told you how much i like this dress?"

"Yes." I giggled,wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I want to watch you ride me in this dress." He whispered.

"I gotta take eva home first." I giggled.

"Ok but after, can you come over?" I nodded as i kissed him.

"Ok see you soon." I said before walking back to my car. Drew was just walking away from where i was headed.

"Drew...." I acknowledged him. "Delilah." He smiled back.

I got into the car with eva. "So what was that all about." I asked her.

"What was wh- Ohhhh." She started smiling.

"Me and drew were just talking and we may have exchanged numbers." She looked away trying to suppress a smile.

"Ok girl i see you." I laugh as i pull out of the parking lot.

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