Soccer tournament

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The girls and i Load up on the charter bus and head to the tournament. The bus ride was only about 45 minutes long.

The coach leads us to our first field and obviously i lead warmups.we take a good look at this team and can determine that this will be an easy win.

We were right, we won 4-0

Me and the girls had three more games , 4 if we made it to finalist.
3 games later we were undefeated warming up for our last game.

This team looked good so i made sure to tell the girls not to get to cocky.

The ref called for captains and i jogged to the middle to meet the other captain.

"alright shake hands." we shook hands. "alright heads or tails." the ref asks her. as the ref flipped the coin she called tails. the coin fell to the ground and landed on heads.

I smiled. "we will take this side, they can have kick off." i say confidently.

I chose this because the wind will be blowing towards their side when we have kickoff in the second half, giving us an advantage.

just a few minutes later we get into our positions. I was center mid.

The ref blows the whistle and the other teams forward passes the ball back.

Our offense runs towards them to attempt to get the ball. Suprisingly they fail and continue to come my way.

i push up and yell for everyone else to do so.

Me and The girl with the ball are 1on1 and i win the ball.

I pass the ball to my teammate and we run towards the goal.

we continue passing and using footwork to get around. these girls. When we get inside the box i call for a cross.

She delivers and i kick the ball towards the goal. The goalie attempts to stop the ball but fails.

First goal of the game. Definitely won't be the last.

Half time came and my team was wore out.
we were tied 2-2. "girls this team is clearly good."
i continue. "But not better than us."

i finish our pep talk, we hydrate and then get ready to win this game.

My coach tells me she wants me to move to forward.

We take our positions and i go to my spot. The whistle blows and i pass the ball to my teammate.

An hour later we stand at 4-4 getting ready for a shoot out.

Our coach chooses Me, eliana, liz, maddie ,and bella.
All of us have strong and accurate kicks.

We go first and maddie takes a shot. She scores. We cheer for her as the other teams girl comes up and shoots. she scores as well.

eliana goes and scores. the other teams girl scores.
bella scores. the other team scores. liz goes to shoot and misses. we reassure her it's ok.

The other teams girl misses as well so there's a comeback that can be made.

It's my turn and i take a deep breath before i decide to shoot for the top left corner.

I run up and shoot. i close my eyes to scared to look before i hear cheering. I jog back to my girls and we wait as the other teams final girl walks up to shoot.

She shoots and she over shoots and the ball goes over the goal. We all jump and cheer.

We congratulate the other team for making 2nd place and go to collect our medals.

The medals were black and red and on the medal read
'Reinfield soccer tournament champions.'
We cheered as we took our trophy along with a medal for each girl.

We got on the bus ready to go home.

The next day at school i turned in my  permission slip for the school trip.

Before lunch haze met me at my locker.
"good job babe getting first place." he says. "thank you." we hold hands as we walk to the cafeteria.

During lunch announcements come on and the whole cafeteria goes silent. "Good afternoon , Denton high school. Next week we have our senior and junior trip and the freshman and sophomores trip the following week."

"Congratulations to the lady panthers soccer team they fought hard yesterday for first place at the reinfeild soccer tournament and won 5-4. Their captain who is a junior  Delilah Frances worked hard and scored 8 goals throughout the whole tournament and Achieved a hat trick in the last game."

The cafeteria cheered for us and i couldn't help but see a shocked face from kash. He looked at me as he raised his eye brows smiling at me.

For some reason he made me blush. i snapped back into reality as haze put his arm around my shoulder and i couldn't help but flinch.

"are you ok?" Makena asks. i nod with a smile.

"can we talk?" haze whispers. "yea." i say as we get up and walk out of the cafeteria in unison.

We walk to where there is nobody and nobody can see us. "What up H?" i ask.

Before i can even react, Haze slaps me across the face making me almost lose my balance.

"what the hell haze?" i manage to say. "Why the fuck would you flinch in front of everyone, you make it seem like i hit you." he shouts.

"Haze , you do hit me tho." i say quietly. "what was that?" he pushes me against the wall.

I turn my head because of how close his face was to mine. "it won't happen again i'm sorry." i try not to cry.

"That's what i thought." he lets me go and walks away.

I stand there in shock not knowing what to say or do.
I looked to my left to see kash standing by the vending machine holding some money.

His jaw was hanging open as he stared at me.
Shit he saw the whole thing

All i could do was run.

I ran right to the girls bathroom without saying a word. So fucking embarrassing.

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