What's happening

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I woke up before kash, so i decided to make breakfast.
i cooked eggs, bacon and pancakes.

I plated the food and took it downstairs. Kash wasn't in his bed.

I look around for him until he comes from behind me and jump scares me which makes me jump and drop both plates.

They both shatter and the food goes everywhere.

"Kash!" i shout. "oh sorry i didn't know you had plates in your hands."

"bro." i said. i looked at him with a upset look.

"here i'll clean it up." he gets on one knee and starts picking up the plate pieces.

i go upstairs and grab a broom and dust pan.

We finish cleaning up. "guess we're ordering doordash." he says as he picks up his phone.

"so what should we do today?" he asks.
"i don't really feel like doing anything but i think imma get my nails done." i responded.

after our food got her and we finished eating we decided to watch a movie.

around 1:30pm my uber got here to take me to the nail shop. "alright i see you later." i say.


The uber dropped me off back at the cabin and i went inside to kash asleep.

"kash?" i said to see if he was really alseep.

He didn't respond. i grabbed the remote from the nightstand and tried to change the movie.

the remote wasn't working. i took out the batteries, put them back in and it still wasn't working.

i went to the tv and bent over to reach for the plug to unplug it.

"What are you doing." i stand up really quickly but the tv stopped me.

"ow." i said. "i was trying to restart the tv.

"your nails look good." he said .

"yea but they would look good somewhere else." i mumbled to myself as i unplugged the tv.

"what did you say?" he said.

What did i just say? There's no way that just came out of my mouth

"uh nothing ." i say.

i get the tv back on and sit down on my bed to retry the remote.

The remote works and i turn on a movie.

"Hey Mason  is having a party tonight wanna go?" kash asked.

"sure what time." "uh it starts at 10."

"ok ."


we begun getting ready around  9. i decided to wear skinny jeans and a tube top with some dunks.

Once we were dressed i grabbed my jacket and we headed out the door.

enzo's cabin was only a few cabins down so the walk wasn't far.

We got inside and it seemed like the whole school was there but obviously they weren't.

Me and kash separated and went our ways.

I saw bianca and went up to her. "Delilah!" she said as she hugged me.

"want a drink?" she asked.

At first i didn't want to but you only live once right?

"sure" she took me to the kitchen and we ended up mixing up our own drink of vodka and other stuff.

i ended up having three cups of the mystery juice and i had a good time.

i remember dancing on a guy when kash came and snatched me up.

Kashs pov

I was ready to go home after a few girls had danced on me but it didn't feel right for some reason so i went to look for Delilah so we could go.

I found her dancing on a guy and she looked drunk. I thought she didn't drink though.

We got out side and she was most definitely drunk.

"W-why do weeee have t-to leave?" she said as she stumbled Little.

"D, your drunk." i said as i suppressed a laugh

"What? pffttt nooo !" she she said as she held on me for support as she walked.

"It's cold." she said. "your wearing a jacket."

We eventually made it to the cabin and i helped her inside.

I helped her take off her shoes and jacket.

I looked my my phone and it was 2am.

"alright get some sleep." i said.

"I can't sleep in jeans!" she shouted.

"ok ok chill, get your clothes that you wanna sleep in and go change."

She began undressing. "No!" in the bathroom.

she went into the bathroom and came out in comfortable clothes.

she flopped on her bed, there was no way that was comfortable.

delilah sat up. "kash, i think im gonna be sick."

i'm surprised i wasn't annoyed having to take care of her but i didn't mind.

"If your gonna throw up , do it in the toilet ok?" i said gently.

she got up and held her hand over her mouth. "Bathroom!" i said.

Before i knew it she puked all over her bed.

i couldn't help but laugh.

she realized she had thrown up. "ew." she said.

That just made me laugh even more.
"go rinse your mouth out with water." i said.

"ok." she went into the bathroom. i cleaned up the puke and put her sheets and blanket into the dirty hamper.

she came and looked at her empty bed. "where's the blanket." she complained.

"you just puked on them." i said. "huh?" she furrowed her eybrows

"just lay in my bed." i didn't mind her sleeping with me to be honest.

i decided to call the lobby for some new bed sheets and blankets. she told me that they would drop some off in the morning.

I climbed in bed with Delilah and she rested her head on my chest. I shut my eyes and went to sleep.
Delilah's pov.

I woke up laying on top of kash. i sat up and i guess it woke him up. "oh good morning." he said in his morning voice. "why am i in your bed." i said. My head was pounding. "wait did we.."

"no no" he laughed.

"you sorta got drunk at the party and threw up all over your bed." he  explained. "i was drunk?"

"yea." he said as i got out of bed. "Oh did bianca take me here?"

"no, i did." he said as he brushed his  teeth with the bathroom door open.

"Oh, Thank you. And thank you for letting me sleep in your bed." i was red of embarrassment.

"no problem i didn't mind you in my bed." he winked as he came back into the room.

his comment made me blush.

"you seriously need to stop making me blush." i say smiling.

"don't act like you don't like it." he teased.

i smiled and rolled my eyes. "I have a pounding headache." i changed the subject.

"welcome to the hangover club." he said as he handed me a water bottle.

"are you hung over?" i ask. "no i didn't drink that much."

I took a sip of the water. "I really mean it , Thank you."

his face got a little red. "It's no big deal."he smiled

His smile was so attractive. He took care of me and we're not even together.

I think i like kash. What's happening?

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