Good morning

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I wake up and notice that i am laying on top of Kash and his arm is wrapped around me.

I jump up. "good morning to you to." He says in his morning voice as he sits up and rubs his eyes.

"When did that happen?" i say.  " You fell asleep and rested your head on my shoulder so i let you." he says.

"Oh sorry." i say. "I liked it ." He says as he goes down stairs.

He keeps making me blush.

I follow him down stairs and go to the bathroom. I brush my hair and teeth and then i put on some mascara.

"What's the plan today Kash?" i ask him .

"let's go skiing ." he says. "oooh yess."

Me and kash climb on the ski lift and it takes us away.

"Kash,be honest." i say. "About what."

"Do you actually like spending time with me or do you just feel bad."

"I actually really like hanging with you , you're cool."

"And pretty ." he nudges my shoulder.

"ok one more question." "ugh ok last one."

"Do you flirt with me meaninglessly?" i ask and look away.

"Yes and no." he said. "Huh?"

" obviously i have a flirty personality so i do it without noticing it, but i do intentionally flirt with you yea."  he said.

i sighed. "what's wrong." he said.

I looked away. "i can't explain how i feel."

He moved my face to look at him by my chin. "Delilah listen. If anything were to ever happen between us, i wouldn't even think about hurting you , i promise."

I stared into his eyes. I wanted to kiss him so bad.

But i stopped myself because i didn't know if it was to soon.

We got off the lift and shortly after, Bianca and enzo got off theirs.

Kashs Pov
Enzo and bianca joined me and Delilah.

I was definitely attracted to Delilah and spending time with her is making me catch feelings for her but i don't know if i can trust my self not to hurt her.

I did promise but going from a player to loyal is not the easiest.

We all decided to go to the hill that wasn't the biggest but it wasn't the smallest since enzo and bianca have never been before.

We all decided to race down the hill.

"ready , set , Go!" Enzo yelled.

We all raced down the slope and delilah was in the lead , me right behind her.

I passed delilah and i looked back to see her right behind me.

We weren't to far from the bottom of the hill and i figured i would win.

Right as i was about to reach the bottom, Bianca passed me and won.

We all reached the bottom and got back together.

"Guess a newbie beat both of you." she laughed.

We all went skiing for a few more hours before deciding to head home.

Back to Delilah's pov.

We got back to the cabin and kash got in the shower first. 20 minutes later he walked out in his usual towel wrapped around his waist.

"bianca wants to know if we want to go to dinner with her and enzo." i say without looking at him because i know i will look at his abs.

"Like a double date?" he said.

i looked at him and he was smirking. "just get ready." i rolled my eyes.

I got in the shower. After i got out and wrapped my self in a towel.

I put in my airpods and turned on some music as i blow dried my hair.

After i dried my hair i realized i didn't grab my clothes.

My options are i either walk out i front of him in a towel or ask him to grab my cloths, that included underwear.

I guess we're grabbing it our selves.

I decided to act normal to not make a big deal out of it and i walked passed his bed and straight to mine.

I held my towel to make sure it didn't fall with one hand and grabbed my clothes with the other.

i didn't know how nice the restaurant was so i decided to go with a slim fit black dress so that if is was nice i wouldn't get stared at but if it was more laid back , i also wouldn't get stared at.

i got dressed into my under wear and Began straightening my hair.

After i finished , i put on some mascara , lipgloss and a little bit of concealer.

I slipped into my dress i was ready.

"Ready?" i asked kash as i walked out of the bathroom.

He stared at me without saying a word.

"what." i said trying not to smile. "uh nothing? yea im ready.

"aren't you gonna be cold?" he asks. I guess he was talking about my dress being short and spaghetti strap. "wouldn't we be inside? i say.

He doesn't even take the time to argue and gets up to leave.

I grab my military black jordan 4s that match with the dress and we go outside to see enzo and bianca waiting in the car.

i guess they  rented it.

me and kash climbed into the back seat.

"Girl you look soooo good right now." bianca said. "thanks you to." i smiled.

"Kash better have told you how good you look right now." Bianca winks at me.

I just giggle. kash sighs. "Delilah you look good." he says without looking up.

I know he only said it because if he didn't he would look like a jerk.

"thanks." i said .

It was a silent car ride to the restaurant and we got there and it was very nice.

It was a more modern type of restaurant and it read
'The spot'.

We parked and went inside.

Even though it was busy we still got seated pretty quickly.

Bianca decided to order spaghetti, enzo decided to order filet minon, i got alfredo shrimp pasta and kash got their special burger.

After we ate and paid, enzo and bianca dropped up back off at the cabin.

I wipe my makeup off and change into a sports bra and sweat pants.

Kash changes into some sweatpants and a shirt.

We decided to watch 'the nightmare before Christmas.'

This movie was one of my favorites.

about 20 minutes into the movie , kash breaks the silence.

"Delilah." i look over at his bed when he was sitting.

"Yea?" He paused before he spoke. "I meant what i said, You really did look good."

"Thanks kash." "no problem."

We continued watching the movie and i eventually fell asleep.

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