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Time jump to the ski trip.
We get off the bus and my jaw drops at the sight of the ski resort. " ok everyone, Go to the front desk and tell them your names , they will then give you your cabin number and cabin key, you will take a shuttle to the farther cabins" Mr. Wisston says.

I go and get in line to get my cabin key. it took 15 minutes to get in the front of the line.

"name?" the lady asked "Delilah Frances" i say.

"Ahh, the deluxe cabin." she says clearly impressed. "Cabin 23." she says as she handed me the key card.

i grabbed my suit case and walked out side and lucky me, the shuttle bus was just pulling up.

The man came out of the bus and helped me with my suitcase. "Thank you." i said as i got
onto the bus. A few more of my class mates got on before we took off.

We eventually stopped at a two story cabin that read '23'.

The man helped me with my suit case and speeded off.

I walked up to the cabin to notice the lights already on. Maybe the maids left them on?

I swiped my key card and the light turned green. I opened the door and the cabin was beautiful.

The first story was a bedroom with two beds and a bathroom and there was a loft.

I can assume there was a kitchen and living room upstairs.

"Delilah?" A familiar voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Kash? what are you doing in my cabin?" i asked

"What are you doing in my cabin." he said.

"This is the cabin i was assigned." i say.

"I guess we are sharing a cabin."  He said as he shrugged

"No no no no no this can't be right ." i say to myself .

"ouch." he says "oh no , it's not you. I promise."

His eyebrows raised. "Then what's the big deal?"

"Haze" "Who's-" i give him a look.

"oh." He barely gets out.

"He'll be pissed." I say with a worried look.

Kash walks up to me. "Trust me he won't be laying a hand on you." I look up into his green eyes. "How do you know that for sure?"

"I won't let him i promise." He smiled.

I couldn't help but think about how nice he was being.
"Why are you being so nice to me?"

He shrugged. "I don't like how he treats you."

"Not just that."

"Guess i'm warming up to you." He smiled as he walked back over to his bed. I brought my suitcase to the empty bed and began unpacking.

"Oh and Delilah?" I looked up.

"Yea?" I said. "You should break up with him."
I gave him a weak smile. "i'll work on that."

I put on my pink bathing suit and brushed my hair.

Almost everyone was going to the public hot tubs to hang out. To be honest i could
have just stayed at the cabin because we had a hot tub on the balcony.

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