the cave & the sunset

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There once was a light, igniting the skies
It brightens half of the planet
Then there's a place untouched by light
Pure darkness even when the sun sets

And in a snap, stars conquered the endless sight
And a crescent appeared above the sky
The cave sat, and its inside was never allowed to be colonized by light
Even when it's day, even when it's night

But in every seconds
The cave admires the sunset
Even if they never touched
Even if they never met

And sooner, as time passes
The cave will let the sunset's light go inside
Only those two can create a scenery mysteriously blinding to the eye
A moment that freezes, a scene that behaves like a paradise

An orange light heartens the cave whenever the sun shows
The cave changes forevermore
Its dark heart has been replaced by legends and folklores
And it remains the best scenery created by nature

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