the heart loves to love

15 5 1

Wounded by the wind
I'm breathing normally before
When the restlessness of my mind
Meets the tough shores

Feel the breeze; in circles
I get drunk by such a magnetic force
And I overcome
The rage of you can never be
The change I want to ignore

Stolen stares, cutting to the bone
The air that controls my heart is gone
I am oversupplied potions you've made
To make me flutter my wings
And the voices of the river downhill sing of the unfortunate lives of things

When the town meets the riverside
All dazzling like your brown eyes
Rough on the surface, but inside it's flawless
The voice is uncontrolled but heaven in tone
Ride a bike like it's hopeless,
But deep inside, it's glamorous
And when the sky is painted blue green
The heart loves to love

The heart loves to love someone
Which I thought was enough
To be hidden and kept like an ancient treasure
Fatal eyes staring into mine—a sentence that only needs a dot
And someone who's inside my whole expenditure
Is too luxurious to be ours
Therefore, just speak nothing
The heart loves to love someone who is never enough

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