The Beginning

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A tense atmosphere had settled in 12 Grimmauld Place. The Order of The Phoenix sat on one side of the large table, while the representatives of the Royal Family of England sat on the other.

'Onto the next order of business,' said Harry Mountbatten-Windsor. 'We have been tasked with conducting the American Royals during their visit to Britain.'

At this, Harry, along with his other friends, burst into an uproar.

'American Royals?' he said.

'Yes. The Minister has negotiated with MACUSA to send some of the children of the ruling royals to show the public that the international magical community approves of Fudge's handling of everything.'

Harry saw a strange glimmer in Dumbledore's eyes, almost as if he knew something everyone else didn't.

Dumbledore seemed to weigh something in mind. He came to a decision and said, 'Prince Harry, you know how our war against Voldemort is going. Perhaps you could convince the Royals to fight for our side.'

The strange twinkle had not left Dumbledore's eyes. Interesting.

Prince Harry flared in a rage, and at that moment, Harry could see why he was considered one of the greatest wizards in England, behind only Dumbledore and Voldemort. He towered over the room, his aura expanding and buffeting everyone seated.

His teeth were chattering, set on edge, waiting for something to happen.

'Fool!' He said. 'Have you turned a deaf ear to anything I have said in our meetings?'

Sirius rose. 'You don't get to talk to Dumbledore like that.'

'I can and I will, Sirius Black. Do you know how much string-pulling we've had to do to get them here, even after Dumbledore's constant begging?'

Harry felt as if he were growing in a sea of power as, from the other end, waves of power rolled over the room. Glancing over, Dumbledore looked more like the greatest sorcerer of all time than he ever had, a quiet fire burning in his eyes. 'Do not call it begging, Prince. You may have been the one negotiating with the Ministry, but I was the one to contact their mentor, Mr. C. The old horse is not a friend in any regard, but he owes me a blood debt. And if there's one thing his kind take seriously, it is debts.' 

'Fine, fine, but the Ministry's stance on the issue of Voldemort's rise is clear,' Moody said. 'Inviting the Royals wouldn't be supporting us or them- what issue have the tosspots taken to it, then?'                                                                                       

The Prince stopped his pacing to look at Moody in shock. 'You mean to tell me that your spies haven't reported this to you?'

'What spies?' he snapped back.

Prince Harry waved his hand as if saying, get it over with. 'You would be foolish not to have them. Tonks, Shacklebolt, and Weasely are excellent, I'm sure.'

'Well, then the Ministry must suspect them,' Lupin said.

'Exactly,' Dumbledore said after some time. 'The three of you, lay low for some time. No "suspicious" activity as Cornelius puts it. We cannot afford to lose your position. Harry, continue with what you were saying about the Ministry causing difficulties- even more than usual, it seems?'

'They think you want the Royals to wage war on the Ministry.'

'War? Are they out of their minds?' Molly Weasely said. 'Why would we ever want children to fight in a war?'

Dumbledore opened his mouth to respond, Harry noted, but closed it immediately, as if having thought better of speaking what he was about to.



Percy called out to the young girl pacing outside the tent. 'Julie, come in for a moment, will you?'

The girl entered the tent, her blonde pigtails flying around her. 'Yes, General?'

'Please do me a favor and get the rest of the war council.'

She saluted him. 'Yes, General.'

Percy buried his head in his arms again. The war had been going on for far too long. Their last chance would be this maneuver... if it worked.

A while later, the entire council was seated, and Percy had gathered up enough will to speak.

'Ladies and gentlemen. Let's get the ball rolling. We've planned out a double-phase attack to destroy the base. We have commanded the blacksmiths to get the remaining Argos into running shape. They will rise opposite the point of attack and open fire. The army will charge into the weak point, destroying and taking on the remaining forces of our enemy.'

One of the valkyries -Tsagarlfia, was it?- raised her hand. 'Will the ships be manned?'

'Of course.'

'This means they'll die


'Isn't that- I don't intend to be offensive- counterintuitive?'

He took out a knife and started cleaning his nails. 'I assume you get the idea of a sacrifice?'

'Yes, but this is unnecessary!' Tsagarlfia said, slamming her fist onto the table.

His temper, which had lately been on edge, kept leashed around his friends, flared, lashing out with its ugly limbs. 'Godsdamnit don't you think we've tried to come up with every solution? We've failed, and that has left us with only this. Sometimes in war, you need to make tough decisions that may cost you men but win you the war. You must learn this!'

'General,' Jason said, his voice curt. 'Calm.'

Percy snarled and strode out of the tent. Turning back to Jason, he said, 'Rally the troops.'

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