The Letter

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The past year and a half had been....interesting, for the lack of a better word.

As the venerated general of the First Alliance reached the end of his speech, he felt a pang run through his heart. 20 million soldiers died in this final fight. Yes, the monsters were gone and it would be several millennia before an event of this scale occurred ever again but the price they had paid had been great.

"Hypocrite," he thought to himself. "You yourself at the beginning that if death was the cost of the salvation of this world, it was a price they would be more than willing to pay."

"Over this past year and a half, the three factions of the First Alliance have gone through their own wars. Exactly a year and a half ago, on August 18, Luke Castellan sacrificed himself to banish Kronos back to the Pit, ending the Battle of Manhattan and the first war of this era. Six months later, we were pulled into yet another one, with the Gigantes and the awakening of Gaea. In that war, the Greeks and Romans were united, ending a millennia-old feud as the Athena Parthenos, wrongly stolen by the Romans was restored to Half-Blood Hill where it now proudly stands. 

During that time," Percy gestured to the Egyptians, "The Egyptians had their own fight against Apophis, the incarnation of Chaos. Using shadow execration, they ripped apart the soul of Apep, putting an end to his tyranny. A few months later, a sequence of events put into motion Ragnarok, as Magnus Chase became an einherjar and put a stop to it alongside his friends by insulting Loki into a two-inch man."

There was a ripple of laughter at this before Percy continued, "But when the time came for a war of scales hitherto unforeseen, we all banded together, putting aside our differences as the Pit of Tartarus in coalition with the land of demons and an army of Draugr attacked, hoping to-once and for all- end the demigods and this era. We battled them and won. 

Yet, it was a pyrrhic victory that came at the cost of twenty million lives, the lives of those who were willing to put themselves down for the chance of our victory. And so, we thank them for their noble sacrifices, we remember who they were and we remember what they stood for. Although they may no longer be with us in this world, deep down, they still reside with us. They were heroes, who helped usher in an era of peace that the godly community has never seen.

Thank you, brave soldiers. We will forever be in your debt. Rest well in Elysium." Percy finished, raising his hand to his forehead in a salute which the entire audience curtsied. 

He gestured to Nico, who nodded before coming forth, muttering a blessing before laying down the torch, setting ablaze the bodies of all the soldiers who had fallen in the battle.

Annabeth came up next to Percy and pulled him into a hug. "Beautiful speech, Perce. Didn't know you had it in you."

Percy shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, maybe. I meant all of it. Not as beautiful as you, anyways."

She laughed and lightly punched his shoulder. "So cheesy, Seaweed Brain."

As they took their places along with the rest of the seven, Thalia, Nico, Will, Calypso, and Hedge, all of them silently hoped they would have peace, not saying it out loud out of fear of jinxing it.

Over the next few days, life settled down once more, the seven and their friends started discussing their futures-where they would go to school, when they would attend college, and so on. They helped with the injured as the healers were completely swamped with work after such a massive battle. And it was on a pleasant day like this when the band of heroes was summoned to Olympus.

"I knew this time would come," Jason said.

"What would they want from us now?" Frank asked.

"Probably want us to hear some bullshit speech about their bravery in the war, as they did at the end of the Battle of Manhattan," Annabeth said.

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