Chapter sixteen

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    "Oh honey,she didn't put it there,I did"the new girl says her British accent flowing in the air.I direct my gaze to her scanning her preety face.
   "Why?this is my sit"I say trying to call down.
   "Well,not any longer baby"she says and smirks.
   Kunle removes his head set and looks at us.I was already holding my tears,I know I was putting up a tough face but deep down I was really hurt,I didn't even want kunle's intervention after what I saw today,why does he have to be friends with the people who I hate the most?
    "What's going on chioma"kunle asks and Selena suddenly looks at kunle.
   When I didn't answer his question he directed it to Lola.
    "K, this has always been my sit and now this girl wants to take it"Selena says to kunle
   "Why is her bag on the floor"kunle asks with a very cold face, She notices it and frowns.
   "Lola put it there,I have no business with that"she says and I look at Lola surprised,Lola also looks at Selena with awe.Selena suddenly puts her hand in Lola's and they both smile.I sniff and pick up my bag,looking for an empty sit.
   "You can sit with me chioma"kunle says and Selena looks back with a frown.
   " can take your sit back, I'll sit with kunle"Selena says clutching her school bag tightly.
   I smile bitterly before saying"no worries,I'm not sitting with kunle, there's an empty seat at the back".I swear I heard Selena sigh.
   I place my bag on the empty sit before going out for assembly.
( Kunle's pov)
   I glance at chioma who I know is finding it difficult to answer the chemistry test questions, during our tutoring I noticed it was easy for her to understand note but very difficult when it came to calculation.I saw her dab a tear with her purple hankey.Why did she refused to sit with me?,if she was with me now we could secretly cooperate without the supervisor noticing.The time was up and everyone submitted,chioma got up and I just knew where she was going to.
   When I got to the library I met her crying,as usual it looked irritating when one is too emotional but chioma's own was just so cute.
   "Did I do anything wrong?"I ask as I sit beside her.
   She kept crying,I couldn't take it anymore,I inch closer to her and wrap my hand around her.This was the second time I did this and it felt so good.I pulled away when I noticed she started feeling uncomfortable.
    "Kunle,why am I so unlucky"she says trying not to cry"it's not fair"
   "Chioma, look at me"I say raising her chin so our eyes meet.I could see my reflection in her teary eyes.
  "Tell me everything that has been happening to you since last week"I say and she sighs.
   "Ok,I'll say it,I'll say everything"she says still not tearing her gaze from mine.
   I nod.
   "I found out my scholarship was faked by my aunt, it's so hard to understand anything that I read,I flunked all the test we've written,I lost my close friend Lola to some girl,and...."she says and breaks down in tears,she hugs me so tightly,I could feel her pain.
   "and what?"I ask,as I change my expression to one I thought I'd never.A pitiful expression
   "and last two days I lost my dad to leukemia"she finally says and I sigh as I respond to her hug.


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