Chapter twenty-three

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     "They are all rumors"kunle says with clenched teeth as he scans my cold face.I fold my arms and roll my eyes.
   "I'm not a fool kunle,I saw you guys"I say anger clear in my face.
   "Does that mean that we are dating?,we are just friends....chioma listen to me..
   "Why are you telling me all these?"I cut him short "we are just friends right?"
   "We are not just friends,I like you and you like me too"
   "I don't like you "I say and sip my coffee
   He stares at me for a while,I could see the hurt in his eyes"if you don't like me,why does it bother you about those rumors?...I know you have been crying since you heard the news right?"he says while raising a brow,my breath hitches.I wanted to cry again.
   "Queen listen"he takes my hands"it was Selena who started those rumors,I know she likes me but it's you that I like"
    "I like you too kunle and I know I'm not good enough....
    "Don't say that"he says and hugs me immediately.
   "This table is a barrier"he says and I chuckle.
   "So we are dating now..."I say and cover my mouth,wtf is wrong with me.
He laughs loudly and intwine his fingers in mine while looking into my eyes.
   "We've been dating right from the moment we kissed queen"he says and my heart skipped a bit,I didn't really like his answer I just wanted him to ask me out just like I see in the movies.
    "Really?"I say with a confused look
   "But you didn't ask me...."
   "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
   "It's about time....yes"i say and we both laugh.

   "And queen...pls don't be mad if you see me with sel,we are just good friends,I don't know why she's acting up"kunle says
   "Kunle, relationship is based on trust,and I trust you"I say and he smiles
  "I Know you were different" he says

   (Kunle's pov)

  I've never been this happy in a while now, chioma is just so . .....I don't even know, everything about her is just beautiful,in the inside and outside.She's just so natural,I noticed she didn't wear any make up when she came to see me neither did she dress like she was going to a ball,I know all the girls in laceville would want to look their best if they had the opportunity to go out with me, but chioma looked so natural and very appealing.At the fast-food I resisted the urge to just hold her and do whatever I wanted to do with her.She looks so calm and naive but she was actually very bold, not every girl would look me in my eyes and tell me that she wants to kiss me,I was so shocked when chioma said that

(5 mins ago)
     With our fingers intwined with each other,I drove to chioma's street,she didn't want me to drop her in her house so I dropped her in front of her street.I parked the car and we both came down.we were both stealing glances at each other and she was blushing so hard.
    I sigh I didn't want her to go"so....see you in school next week"I say and she nods,I look at her one last time and turn my back.
   "Wait..."she says pulling my arm"I want to kiss you"she says and I turn with a huge smirk on my face.
   She highers her leg to my level and crashes her lips on mine,I didn't close my eyes I just looked at her in surprise.



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