Chapter seventeen

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    "Do what I asked you to do or have you suddenly gone deaf"the thick voice says making me to cringe violently.I scream so loud,I knew I would loose my voice soon.
   "It's sound proof,no one can hear you baby,ok let's make this quick"he says as he begins unbuttoning his shirt.My breath hitches as he start unfastening his belt.
   "Pls don't do this to me,I'm ...I'm innocent"I say as my voice croak
  "Ohhhhh,so I'm your wahala"he says as he takes of his trouser.
   He inches close to me in an attempt to make out with me.
   "Ok, David I'll go out with you if you leave me alone"I say.
   "I know baby,you will go out with me after this"he says and starts unbuttoning my uniform.I pray silently for someone's intervention.He's done unbuttoning my top,he pushes my head towards his and brings his lips to mine.I close my eyes waiting for the kiss,I was about to share with this monster but none came,I slowly open my eyes to see David on the floor holding his head in pain and rolling on the floor.I look up to see kunle looking at me with a weird expression before pulling me out of the music room.
   "Ok,what the fuck was that"he says as I immediately start to button my top.
   " it what I think it is?"kunle says and I bite my lips.
   "It is"
   "Are you ok,did he do anything?"he asks and u shake my head.
"Are you sure?"he asks and I nod.
He seemed relaxed after that.
   "So are you still coming to my place for lessons?"he asks.
   "Yes"I reply and he smiles,he reaches up to my eye brow and begins straightening it.His fingers felt so hot in my face.
   "What face cream do you use"he asks
    "Um...."I try to remember the name of the cream"imperio"
    "No...I mean face cream"
   "I don't have a face cream,I just use imperio"I reply
   "Explains why you have these hideous pimples"he says and I suddenly feel embarrassed.I've always felt insecure about my pimples, but I never tried to clear it with anything,you can't trust product these days.
    "but either ways, you're still cute"he says .
    My stomach makes 150 turn,I swallow my saliva as he looks at me.
   "Why are you shining red"he asks
    Wait what????
    "Haven't any guy told you that you are cute before?"he asks.
    "No"I reply.
    "Boys are blind"he says,as he continues walking down the corridor,I trail Behind him.
    " are a boy...yunno"I reply then chuckle.
   "No"he says and stops,he turns to look at me with a very cold face and a hint of anger.Did  I do anything I ask myself, looking at his angry face.
    "I'm a man"he says still with an angry face and still staring at me.
   "Sorry"I say lowering my gaze and playing with my finger "yes you are man,sorry for calling you a boy"I say,I  hear the loudest, outrageous and weirdest laughter I've ever heard in the past fifteen years of my life.I look at him in shock,he looked more cuter in a cold face,in a happy face he just looked.......weird and....well,...funny.
     "What's funny"I say holding my laugh.I burst out in laughter when I see that he keeps laughing
    "kunle your laugh is making my laugh to laugh"I say and he stops laughing and looks at me,I know I spoke a very bad English, one's again he starts laughing.Everyone passed us, Wondering what could be so funny.



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