Ch18: Reevaluation

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It has been roughly a month since we'd successfully evacuated the people of Mandalore. It had been a massive undertaking, getting an entire planet's worth of survivors relocated in such a short span of time but thankfully we left most of our own ground forces back on Dromund Kaas which in turn allowed our ships to carry far more than their usual capacity. In fact, save for a single dreadnought all other vessels were packed to the point of being incapable of carrying out their normal operations. 

Thrawn's Venator proved to be quite a critical asset in this operation, managing to house far more than even our dedicated transports both throughout its massive hangar bay and by extension the rest of the ship. The people themselves proved surprisingly willing to cooperate and upon arriving at Dromund Kaas, they were quick to settle in. I knew it was a good deal for both parties but still, it has proven far better than I'd initially hoped for.

The people of Mandalore were separated by clans. Each clan was granted land on Dromund Kaas for which they were responsible. They were required to provide at least one member of each family in their clan for military service and were made to swear fealty to me but in exchange, they pretty much got to live with relative freedom so long as they followed our laws. 

The system also managed to solve immediate concerns over our non-existent economy as we were able to promote trade between the clans which each focused on providing something the others didn't. One clan, for example, had experience building and repairing starships while another was good at farming. Each focused on an area they were good at which in turn granted us some respite from our most critical flaw. However, it doesn't change the fact that we need to gain more people. After all, though Dromund Kaas may be rich in natural resources it isn't a "one-stop shop for all our needs". 

We managed to save a total of 1.5 million Mandalorians with each trip managing to carry around 350,000 - 500,000 people at a time. While our fleet journeyed to and fro, a single dreadnought maintained its position above the planet until the evacuation was complete. Despite the high number of survivors, however, it represents less than half the population prior to the attack. It's a shame but what's done is done. I have gained a loyal core population and that is all that matters.

Me: So, what force are we looking at?

Hadra: We are currently fielding an army of 135,000. This doesn't include those stationed as garrisons here on Dromund Kaas or on Korriban. It also doesn't include the special forces detachments stationed on Yavin IV. 

Me: A massive improvement over where we were before. 

Hadra: I agree. In addition, we now also have a sizeable fleet.

11 Harrower Dreadnoughts
32 Terminus-class Destroyers
10 Gage-class Transport Ships
18 Fury-class Interceptors
1 Venator Star Destroyer
13 Kom'rk-class fighter/transport 
2 Acclamator-class cruiser (Captured during battle - Yavin IV)
3 Marauder-class corvette (Captured during battle - Yavin IV)
38 T-65 X-wing starfighter (Captured during battle - Yavin IV)

Hadra: All this without including the airwing of each of our ships or the airwing we found on Thrawn's Venator. 

Me: Speaking of Thrawn, what do you make of him?

Hadra: He seems competent enough, though our upcoming campaign will give us the opportunity to further analyse his capabilities. 

Me: That's fair.

We're interrupted by the arrival of Shae who once again thanks me for saving her people.

Me: Shae, we've already been over this. It is fine. There's no need to keep on saying thanks.

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