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Hello everyone and welcome to our new book, Pokévision Music Festival. This is a collaboration between myself (@SEN OptiMaver111), @legendAmourshipper, @CameronWinkler, @TheHomeDepo and @shreejita23. This book is a crossover between the Pokémon world and ESC.

Now if you aren’t from Europe or have no idea about what ESC is here is some information on the topic for you guys-

So, ESC otherwise known as the Eurovision Song Contest has been around since the 1950’s. It was created to unite the nations through music after world war 2. This contest has been a huge success throughout the years celebrating cultural diversity across Europe and the world. We have seen many winners, some songs are extremely popular and some are severely underrated or unpopular amongst the fans. However, we love them all and I hope we can bring the excitement of Eurovision to all of you Pokémon lovers out there.

Each country across Europe holds a national final which has several upcoming artists who compete to have the honor of representing their country on the big stage in Eurovision. There are 3 stages to the contest, the Semi Final-1, the Semi FInal-2 and the Grand FInals. So, the top 10 in each semi final qualifies for the grand final alongside the Big 5. Now what is the Big 5 you may ask? They are the 5 nations of the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France and Spain. This occurs over a week filled with fun and competition. To determine who wins this contest, points are awarded to each country. This is done in two ways, through the jury and the televote otherwise known as you the public. The jury consists of each country participating with one spokesperson handing out the points to their top ten countries. The points system for this is 12, 10 and 8 for the top 3 and 7-1 points for the remaining 7 countries. So, each country then has a sum total of points given by all countries before they head into the public vote. The public votes through the Eurovision app, text or by calling. In the end a winner is decided and they get the honor of hosting the contest next year.

Now with all the important details out of the way let me give you some facts and stats about Eurovision ✨

These are some super popular songs that you guys may recognise but didn’t know are from Eurovision.

1) Arcade by Duncan Laurence-Yes this song is in fact from Eurovision and not from TikTok or Instagram for those wondering. Duncan represented the Netherlands in 2019 winning the contest in Tel Aviv, bringing the contest to Rotterdam in 2020. Obviously due to the pandemic the contest was canceled however in 2021, we returned to Rotterdam for a new year of Eurovision. The most streamed Eurovision song on Spotify with over a billion streams 🤩. 

2) Fairytale by Alexander Rybak-I’m pretty sure everyone recognises this legendary piece of violin played by the man, the myth, the legend. Bet you didn’t know it was from Eurovision though. Alexander represented Norway back in 2009 winning the contest and bringing it to Oslo the following year. It has over 293 million streams on Spotify making it the 4th most streamed Eurovision song ever. This song is a masterpiece and has held a dear place in everyone’s heart around the world ❤️.

3) Euphoria by Loreen-Now those ESC fans reading this book know what I’m talking about. Loreen is the queen of Eurovision for many around the world. She is the only woman and second person to win the contest twice in the entire history of ESC after Johnny Logan in the 80’s. She won in 2012 representing Sweden with this all time classic which is simply one of the best Eurovision songs to date and her second win has come in the most recent contest this year in 2023 with her song Tattoo 🙌.

4) Run Away by Sunstroke Project and Olia Tira-This is a masterpiece that will always be cemented in the pages of history. The band Sunstroke Project represented Moldova in the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest, although they finished a lowly 22nd they gave the world something to cheer about. On that night two internet sensations were born. I’m talking about the one and only EPIC SAX GUY and EPIC VIOLIN GUY. Yes, these guys and their hit song came from Eurovision and we can only thank them for their contribution by bringing this song to us. They returned to the contest in 2017 and finished in 3rd with their song Hey Mamma. Fucking legends 🔥.

5) Snap by Rosa Linn-This song is one of the most region Eurovision hits, it finished a lowly 20th in the 2022 contest where Rosa was representing Armenia. Fate clearly had other plans however, this song holds a special place for many people and is the second most streamed Eurovision song on Spotify after arcade with 749 million streams 😍.

Yes, some of you may argue that most of these songs got their popularity through social media with sites like TikTok and Instagram. However I want everyone out there to know that Eurovision is more than that, it's about coming together as a community and celebrating diversity and life which these songs and all the others which have competed in this historic contest have done for the past 70 years. Eurovision is more than just a contest, it's one big family which includes every single one of you. We unite together in the name of music.

Now let’s get this book started and bring the excitement of Eurovision to the amazing world of Pokémon. I hope all of you enjoy the book my friends and I are going to be putting in all our efforts to create a wonderful alternate universe which is worthy of the Eurovision and Pokémon names. This ESC book is going to be a bit different as compared to how the contest runs normally. For instance, we have a different song for the semi finals and the grand finals to make things a bit different and exciting. Now without further ado, lets begin this awesome story.

It's preferred to hear all the songs in the future chapters ,all of them are gonna be legit fire 🔥🔥🔥, you'll all enjoy it for sure , so make sure to grab your earphones before reading, or you can always listen to them on your phone's speakers.

Peace ✌️
SEN OptiMaver

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