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Ash’s POV

It was time, tonight was the night where everything mattered and all the pressure was on my shoulders. I had to perform at my utter best to win the national finals, all of my friends, pokémon and the entirety of Kanto was counting on me. If I won here with my solo performance that would mean my band mates and I would get to represent Kanto at the Pokévision Song Contest in Kalos this year. My band consisted of me as the vocalist, Brock on the bass, Misty doing the choreography and Gary on the drums. Just like most acts, we had planned a solo performance for the national finals. This was going to be the same song we performed in the semi finals for Pokévision if we qualified. In the end we would do another song of ours for the grand finale later on which will be revealed soon. The nerves started to get the best of me until Pikachu, my number one buddy came up to me and comforted me before I had to go on stage.

“Thank you Pikachu, I’ll do my best out there and won’t ever give up.”I replied in a much happier mood.

“Pika pikachu”He replied back licking my face again as my friends came up to me.

“Give it you’re all out there ashy boy, we can’t let the great Oak name go down the drain.”Gary replied in his usual cocky tone.

“If anyone is throwing your name down the drain, its you not ash.”Misty replied back making us all laugh.

“Ignore him Ash, we all know how talented you are and whether we qualify or not it doesn’t matter as long as we all enjoyed ourselves and experienced something new.”Brock replied.

“Thanks guys, your support means a lot to me. I’m going to go out there and do my best for everyone.”I replied, fired up.

“Remember what you taught us Ash, NEVER GIVE UP!”Misty shouted as I nodded back at her before going out onto the stage without a single worry.

Don’t tell the gods I left a mess
I can’t undo what has been done
Let’s run for cover
What if I’m the only hero left
You better fire off your gun
Once and forever
He said “go dry your eyes
And live your life like there is no tomorrow son
And tell the others
To go sing it like a hummingbird
The greatest anthem ever heard”
We are the heroes of our time
But we’re dancing with the demons in our minds
We are the heroes of our time
But we’re dancing with the demons in our minds
We are the heroes of our time
But we’re dancing with the demons in our minds
The crickets sing a song for you
Don’t say a word don’t make a sound
It’s life’s creation
I make worms turn into butterflies
Wake up and turn this world around
In appreciation
He said “I never left your side
When you were lost i followed right behind
Was your foundation
Now go sing it like a hummingbird
The greatest anthem ever heard”
Now sing together
We are the heroes of our time
But we’re dancing with the demons in our minds
We are the heroes
(We keep dancing with the demons, you could be a hero)
Now go sing it like a hummingbird
The greatest anthem ever heard
Now sing together
We are the heroes of our time
But we’re dancing with the demons in our minds
We are the heroes of our time
(We keep dancing with the demons, you could be a hero) Heroes
But we’re dancing with the demons in our minds
(We keep dancing with the demons, you could be a hero) Heroes
We are the heroes

As I finished my performance, the crowd roared loudly which brought a huge smile upon my face. I thanked all of them for their support and made my way backstage.

“ASHY BOY WHAT A PERFORMANCE!!”Gary shouted happily.

“Yeah Ash, that was a great performance out there, all of us are super proud of you.”Brock spoke up, engulfing me in a big hug.

“There is no way we don’t win with the spectacle you put on Ash, well done.”Misty cheered.

“Thanks guys but the voting hasn’t even started yet you know.”I replied, not wanting to get ahead of myself.

Suddenly Pikachu ran up and jumped onto me, releasing a thunderbolt out of pure happiness, covering me in black soot as I coughed out in pain.

“You’re getting stronger everyday buddy, well done.”I replied back as everyone else sweatdropped.

“Come on guys, the results are going to be announced soon, we better head off to the stage.”Gary replied.

The entire next hour was super nerve wracking as we watched everyone receive their points from the jury. It was a super close battle throughout, the top 3 songs including us were separated by a small margin of 10 points. It would all come down to the public vote. To make matters worse, the host was being extremely dramatic by taking long pauses and that didn’t help our nerves at all. Both of our rivals received more than 150 points from the public, this meant we would have to gain more than 160 points to win the whole thing.

“Now onto our final act, The Indigo Rockerz, you have received from the public.”The host spoke.

“Oh just announce it already!”Gary shouted, as we told him to shut up.

“227 POINTS!!, we have a winner, welcome to Pokévision 2023, you will be representing the Kanto region, congratulations.”He shouted.

It took me a whole minute to realize we had won, as Gary and Brock lifted me up onto their shoulders in celebration. We went onto the stage to receive our trophy, where the hosts were waiting.

“Ash, how does it feel, you’ve just won the right to represent our region on the big stage for Pokévision later this year?”The host asked.

“Honestly I don’t know, I still haven’t got over the shock yet, I’m super happy right now, the emotions are definitely a lot to handle but, I can only thank everyone who is supporting us. We’ll be doing our best out there to bring that trophy home.”I replied, as the crowd cheered.

“Thank you so much and what are your expectations of the contest coming up?”He asked.

“Well obviously we want to win it, there will be a lot of competition but at the same time it's all about the experience and I believe it's going to be an amazing time out there in Kalos.”I replied back, as he seemed satisfied with my answer.

“Right that’s all from me folks, now before we end the night I’ll leave you with the winning song, for one last time give it up for The Indigo Rockerz and their song HEROES!”The host shouted exiting the stage.

The song started playing as I sang at the top of my lungs with all of my friends celebrating alongside me on the stage. The journey had officially begun and this was only the beginning.

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