Ch - 7

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“Joining the other regions into the grand final later this week is…”

“KANTO!”Sonia shouted.

The tension in the air vanished as I was crushed by a hug from everyone around me. We were into the finals and I couldn’t believe it!

“Bring it in Ashy-boy you did it!”Gary cheered.

“You did it Ash, well done!”Serena complimented me, making me go red in the face.

“Now let’s go and celebrate!”Gary shouted as everyone cheered together.

“Thank you all for attending the first night of Pokévision, it’s been amazing!”

“We can’t wait to see you guys again two days later, the same place and time for the second semi-final!”Leon spoke as the crowd roared.

“Thank you once again and goodnight Kalos!”Sonia spoke ending the show.

All of us packed our belongings and headed out of the arena before any of the fans could leave, not wanting to get stuck in the frenzy of their excitement. We made our way out onto the streets of lumiose city, it was quite late at night now and all of us were enjoying the peace and quiet. Gary suddenly asked me something which I couldn’t refuse.

“Ash are you up for a battle?”He asked out of the blue.

“You know the answer to that Gary, I can never say no to a good battle!”I replied determinedly.

“Yeah I wanna see Ash battle again, he was so cool the first time!”Bonnie exclaimed.

Everyone else seemed fine to see another battle, so we went ahead with it.”

“Ash, let's do the classic 1v1, you know who we’re battling with!”Gary replied excitedly.

“I’ll be the referee of this match.”Clemont declared as we approached a battlefield ready.

Serena’s POV

“What does Gary mean by the classic 1v1?”I asked, while the others also looked in confusion.

“They’re going to do a rematch between the both of their pokémon’s, both of them have been rivals since day 1 and it doesn’t get better than this!”Misty replied, clearly hyped for the upcoming battle.

“Brock, do you know which Pokémon they’re going to use?”Dawn questioned.

“As a matter of fact, I do. I’m not going to spoil anything though, the battle is starting now.”He replied, with a small smirk on his face.

“Alright, Ash and Gary bring out your pokémon’s!”Clemont shouted.



“All that hype for this, looks pretty underwhelming to me”Lillie commented.

“You’ve seen nothing, Gary and Ash will give us a battle for the ages, they’re both extremely talented trainers and I assure you, you’ll enjoy this one!”Brock almost immediately replied, without hesitation as everyone focused back to the battlefield.


“You can have the first move, Ash!”Gary shouted.

“Pikachu, let’s charge in with quick attack!”Ash ordered, as Pikachu moved swiftly with speed towards Umbreon.

“Umbreon dodge it quickly and use dark pulse!”Gary commanded.

Umbreon, as fast as lightning, dodged the incoming attack and fired its signature dark move towards Pikachu, who had nowhere to go.

Pokévision:An Amourshipping StoryWhere stories live. Discover now