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Before Ash stood his two rivals from the journey he had previously made in Kalos. It had been about two years since he had gone there, choosing afterwards to focus on his career as a musician, but he still remembered them clearly. Sawyer acted more as a companion at times, tagging along with him on the adventure for days at a time before they went their separate ways, only to reunite later and repeat the process. Alain, meanwhile, was someone he had crossed paths with every now and then, but still held great respect for. Come the Kalos League finals, he was ultimately the one to have beat Ash to the victory in the most intense match they had ever fought.

“What a coincidence you’re here. How have you been doing?” Alain asked politely.

“I’ve been good,” Ash replied earnestly, “I’m back in Kalos for the Pokévision Song Contest, if you’re familiar with it.”

Sawyer nodded, “I’ve heard about it. Apparently it’s all the rage here,” the Hoenn native remarked.

“We’re certainly very passionate about it,” Alain replied with a laugh. “Hopefully Miss Serena wins this year, she’s a great talent.”

Ash’s ears perked up. Why did the name sound familiar? He couldn’t exactly pinpoint it, but he swore he knew it from somewhere. Then again, there must be thousands of Serenas in the world, so maybe he did know someone by that name, but the likelihood of it being the same person was minimal. “Is she Kalos’ performer, then?” He asked.

Alain grinned, “She’s the best we’ve had in years. Just wait until the semi-finals start, you’ll see how good she is.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.” Moving away from the subject of the competition, he focused the conversation on the two trainers who were seemingly on a joint excursion. “So what are you guys doing here together?”

“Ah, w-well,” Sawyer stammered, being interrupted by Alain, who wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

“Me and Sawyer here are in town to watch the song contest, of course. We wouldn’t miss it for the world, especially as we now know you’ll be in it.”

Misty giggled at their behaviour. “And we’re his band, the Indigo Rockerz. I, for one, am excited to play in the city of love!”
“O-Oh? It’s the city of love?” Sawyer asked with slight hesitation.

“Mhm!” She smiled, “It’s the perfect opportunity to go on a super-romantic date with your loved one,” she said, nudging Gary, who gave her a side-eye and a grin.

Alain nodded his head. “Indeed it is, it’s one of the most well-known facts about Lumiose City,” he looked at Sawyer expectantly.

“I-Is it, now? I’ll keep it in mind, then,” he replied sheepishly.

“The city of love, huh? Brock, looks like this is your chance,” Ash joked, earning a few daggers stared into him by the older man, although only playfully. “Anyway, Alain, as we’re here and there’s still some time left to waste, how about a rematch? Unless you want to continue your walk with Sawyer, of course.”

Alain considered for a moment, earning a nervous look from the greennette, but then nodded, smiling at his old rival. “It’s not every day you get to battle Ash Ketchum himself, I’ll gladly accept.” He turned to his friend, “Sorry, Sawyer.”

“W-What? No apology necessary, I swear!” Alain just chuckled in response, leading the way to the nearest battlefield.

“So what will it be, Ash? Nice and quick, or a full 6v6?” He asked as they arrived. The field was located in a relatively quieter area of Lumiose, in the middle of a public park where kids played and people of all ages walked their pokémon.

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