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“Pikachu, use thunderbolt and wake him up will you.”

His eyes widened on hearing that statement, breaking his slumber but unfortunately, it was too little too late. Ash screamed as he got violently shot by his loyal partner.

“W-why pikachu?”Ash questioned, covered in black soot as he coughed out loud.

“Pika pika pi!”Pikachu exclaimed happily, while the others couldn’t control their laughter.

“Come on guys that wasn’t funny, I love my sleep you know.”He muttered, clearly annoyed.

“You have to admit, it was a bit funny ashy boy.”Gary replied, wheezing from laughter at this point. “Ash you better understand now, this will never get old and it will always be funny.”Brock stated, causing Ash to sigh.

“Fine, it was a bit funny, I guess? What even is the time?”He asked confused.

“It’s nearing 12 now Ash, get ready quickly we got interviews today before the first semi!”Misty shouted, emotions of panic and excitement lacing her tone.

“Oh right, yes thanks for waking me up guys, take care of Pikachu, I’ll be ready in 10 minutes.”He shouted back before running to the bathroom.

10 minutes later, he ran down to the hotel lobby where the others were waiting for him. All of them quickly got into the hired coach they had, to avoid all the fans trying to get pictures of them. After a short drive through the city of Lumiose, they arrived at the arena. They were escorted into the building by security guards, where they met one of the hosts.

“Hi guys my name is Sonia one of the hosts this year, welcome to the Pokévision arena!”Sonia exclaimed, welcoming them.

“Hi Sonia it’s nice to meet you, I’m Ash and these are my friends and band mates Brock, Misty and Gary.”He spoke while the others waved to her.

“I know you guys perfectly well, what type of host would I be if I didn’t.”She replied back making us laugh. “Anyways the semi-finals are later tonight as you guys well know, but before that happens I want to conduct and interview with you guys. Is that alright?”Sonia asked.

“Sure, We’d love to, isn’t that right guys?”He answered back as the others excitedly said yes, following Sonia.

We entered a room where cameras were already set up, there was a big long couch for all of us to sit on and a small singular couch adjacent to it which I guessed was for Sonia.

“Alright guys, when you’re ready we’ll start rolling the cameras.”She replied as we nodded excitedly.

“Hello everybody, today we are interviewing Ash Ketchum, Misty Waterflower, Brock Harrison and Gary Oak, the Indigo Rockerz! Kanto’s representative for this years contest. First off how are you guys?”.

“We are amazing, just taking everything in and enjoying in the moment.”I spoke happily.

“Yeah, we’ve had such an amazing time already and we’re not even halfway through the contest.”Misty cheerfully said.

“Yeah I completely agree with Misty here and we can’t wait for the main event to begin.”Brock replied.

“We’re ready for the competition and are fired up, we’re going to put up a show the fans won’t forget and enjoy with the other contestants at the same time.”Gary maturely spoke, unexpectedly.

“That’s great to hear, Ash can you tell me what it means to you representing Kanto?”Sonia continued.

“It means the world to me, to be able to represent my region on the biggest stage ever, a huge honour and responsibility that I’m happy to embrace.”

“Now if you don’t mind I want to talk about the past a little bit, you guys have been the best of friends for years now. Does that help you as a band to perform at your best by knowing each others strengths and weaknesses?”She asked.

“Oh for sure, Misty and Brock have travelled with me since I started my journey when I was a trainer. Gary and I are childhood friends, we were rivals on my very first journey and we’ve grown to respect each other as we’ve matured. He has also played a crucial role in making me the person I am today, so I’m super thankful for a friend like him.”

“Amazing, now obviously you’ve been to Kalos before. You’re pretty well known here especially because of your greninja, do you think that will turn the tide in your favour for the contest?”

“Yes, I’ve been to Kalos when I was a trainer, I competed in the league and finished as runner up. I couldn’t have done this without my team, it was a wonderful effort and it was one of the most thrilling battles as a trainer against Alain. I have a huge amount of respect for him. As for whether this favours us, I hope so but at the same time I think there will be a lot of support for the home favourites, they have a pretty good song.”

“There were rumours that you guys met up yesterday and had a huge battle, a few of the other contestants were there as well. Can you confirm these speculations?”

“Yes they are true, I met Alain again and we had an amazing battle. We met some of the other contestants also and went out to get some lunch together. Everyone was cool and we bonded instantly. I think the message we want to spread is that yes we are here to compete, but more importantly we are here to have fun and share memories with everyone else.”

“That is so nice, some pre-contest bonding is always amazing to see. Can you tell us your favourite contestant so far?”

“Well I would say Serena for sure, since I’ve known her since we were kids. I’ve heard the song she’s singing for the semi finals and it’s breathtaking. I don’t know which song she or anyone else is planning for the finals if they get through, but the competition is going to be tough that’s for sure.”

“I didn’t know that, oh my god that is some new information. Pokévision has reunited you guys then!”

“Yes, it was amazing to see her again and I’m looking forward to competing against her as well.”

“Right, now I have one final question before I let you guys go. Can you give us a hint to the song you will song if you reach the grand finals? The fans already love heroes!”

“Well, that is for us to know and you guys to find out.”I teased.

“Well it was worth a try, anyways folks it’s time for us to wrap up here and thank you guys for joining us. We’ll see you later tonight for the first semi finals!”Sonia enthusiastically replied before the recording stopped.

“Thank you so much for the interview, I hope it was alright for you guys?”She asked.

“Oh we enjoyed it, thanks for having us.”Misty replied happily as all of us agreed with her sentiments.

“Brilliant guys, I would love to stay but I really have to go right now, see you guys later and I can’t wait for your performance!”She exclaimed before bidding goodbye.

“Well that was fun, now come on guys we should go to our team room and get this man ready for his performance later.”Gary shouted pointing towards me.


So that's it for now enjoy your day!

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