Ch - 8.1

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"Ashhh! I'm so sorry for making you wait! "

"It's fine Serena, calm down. I just arrived here a while ago "

"You're not lying are you?"

"Does it seems like I'm? " Ash said, 'man i feel bad about lying to her, well I can't tell her that i came here 40 minutes earlier for some reason..... I guess I'm a bit nervous? '

"If you say so... "Serena said, deciding to drop the matter.

" And Serena, you're look beautiful" Ash said, a smile on his face. 'You always do'

"O-oh, really? Thank you ash you look beauti-" Serena bit her tongue for a split second "-handsome yourself "
'Serena! Take a deep breath and calm down '

"Thanks sere"ash smiled " So, should we get going? "

"Yeah, let's go!" Serena said as she took off running, "sere wait for me! " Ash said ash he ran after her.

"So what did you do after you came back here from kanto?"

"Nothing much, my mom taught me rhyhorn racing. And after that I came across pokevision on TV once, It was at that time I decided that I want to be on the stage too, before picking up the mic I also took part in some pokemon performances too. Enough about me, what about you?"

"As you've seen, I'm also a pokemon battler. Took part in a few leagues, won in few of them and lost in few of them. My biggest win being the first alolan league"

"Wait, first alolan league.. So that does that make you the champion of alola?"

"It does" Ash replied, nonchalantly. As if it wasn't something big.

"How are you so calm about it?, just seeing you like that makes me go dizzy."

"That's nothing big, it was the first league so it didn't have Elite Four to challenge, so i basically got the title for free."

"Ash don't say that, you didn't get the title for free. You earned it through your hardwork, so please don't belittle yourself"

"I'm not belittling myself, it's tr-"

"Don't say anything again" Ash wasn't able to continue his sentence as serena cut him off. "No more words related to that now, okay? You earned the title, that's it."

Ash sighed, he lost the hope of winning against her.

" 'Tis as you say"

"Good boy" Serena giggled with her hand over her mouth, ash softly gazed at the blonde girl. His chest was filled with a sudden warmth after seeing her smile like that.
'Every small actions of her makes me feel like this'

The cab dropped them off at their destination, despite Serena saying that they split the bill ash paid for the cab.

"Ash.. I'm not talking to you if you do this again"

"Serena, just let me off the hook for today. You know?"

"I'm not going to. Promise me that you won't do this again."

"Okay girl, I promise. So should we go now?" Ash said as he extended his hand to her to grab onto, a light blush formed on Serena's face.

'Why the fuck did you do that!!? ' Ash's left brain thought, and the right one replied. 'I don't know!!!'

To Ash's surprise, she put her hand into his and locked their fingers together.
'Idk where this random boost of confidence cane from. But I'm glad it did'

"How did you get the tickets so suddenly?"

"I pulled some strings" Ash replied "I had a few friends, who managed to get them for us"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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