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Serena’s POV

It was the night of the Kalos national finals, I was feeling super nervous for my upcoming performance. I was the favourite to win this evening and that brought a whole lot of pressure upon my shoulders. My band’s name was The Lumiose Lights consisting of my best friends, Clemont and his little sister Bonnie. I was doing a solo for the national finals performance just like every single act around the world, this meant there was a grand finale act for every region’s representative yet to be revealed and I was eager to show the world our talent with our song if we qualified for Pokévision. This new format left fans around the world even more excited, unfortunately we couldn’t tell them until the main event occurred. I wanted to do well for my friends, family and Kalos. However, there was one person who I wanted to do the best for, he helped me when I was at my lowest. I will never forget the words he told me when I was younger “Never give up!”. A sudden burst of energy flowed through me as I reminisced on the past, I was going to do this for him.

“Serena it’s almost time for you to go on stage.”Clemont spoke up, snapping me out of my stupor.

“Oh thanks for reminding me Clemont.”I replied back.

“Serena are you alright? You seem to have a lot on your mind?”Bonnie spoke up, with a concerning tone.

“I’m alright Bonnie, just reminiscing on the past, don’t worry I’m ready for the performance.”I replied back excitedly.

“That’s the Serena I know.”She replied back happily, jumping up and down.

“Do your best out there Serena, we’re all cheering for you.”Clemont replied as I nodded to him.

I went out onto the stage as the crowd went silent in anticipation. The lights dimmed as my song started playing, instantly getting recognised by the crowd.

Now I’m heading home to solid ground
Realised that all the lies I’ve told myself have died
Bring me to the place where I belong
Filled with all the memories and dreams I have ignores
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
There is always time to get back on track
Tearing down the walls, slowly every step
Now I see myself buildin’ up a world of bridges
There is one more thing you need to know
That I forgive myself for all the lies I said before
Now I see the road of leading lights
Showin’ me where I should go and what to leave
There is always time to get back on track
Tearing down the walls, slowly every step
Now I see myself buildin’ up a world of bridges
You will find a way to begin again
No more time to waste or to play pretend
Now I see myself buildin’ up a world of bridges
I remember all the things that I went through
All the lies and blurry lines and city lights I knew
Now I’m strong enough to see what lays inside it
And I can feel it all, ooh
There is always time to get back on track
Tearing down the walls, slowly every step
Now I see myself buildin’ up a world of bridges
You will find a way to begin again
No more time to waste or to play pretend
Now I see myself buildin’ up a world of bridges

I thanked the crowd who roared in approval after my performance before I made my way backstage, my friends and surprisingly even my mom was waiting for me.

“Serena that was amazing, we’re definitely winning this one.”Bonnie shouted excitedly.

“Yeah Serena, you killed it out there.”Clemont replied happily.

“Thanks guys I appreciate it, but mom what are you doing here? What a surprise?”I replied back.

“What can I not support my daughter?”She replied back, making us all laugh.

“The other region’s songs have been confirmed by the way.”Clemont replied, catching my attention.

“Really let me see.”I replied as he gave me his phone.

I saw all the winning artists songs and I was really impressed. Even if these were just the semi final songs, I could tell the competition was going to be tough. Cilan from Unova had a blinder of a performance with his song. Dawn and May representing Sinnoh and Hoenn had great songs too which were really catchy. Mallow had really good vocals and that put Alola in a great place for the contest. Chloe’s song representing Galar had a lot of special effects heightening her performance alongside her good vocals. The Rocket Beats band also had a unique performance including their pokémon in it, a meowth that could sing was unbelievable. Wes and Liko representing the Orre and Paldea regions also had amazing songs with great vocals. However, there was one song that caught my eye and that was from Kanto’s representatives. My eyes widened in shock, not from the song which was beyond brilliant, but the person who was singing it. It was none other than the boy I loved, it was really him and I would get to meet him after all these years.

“Serena what’s wrong it looks like you’ve seen a ghost?”My mom replied.

“Oh it’s nothing just a familiar face I’ve seen.”I replied, as my mom took a look at Clemont’s phone.

“Isn’t that the boy you like a lot.”She replied back teasingly.

“You remember?”I replied back in shock.

“Of course I do, I’m you’re mother.”She replied back.

“Ooh Serena you never told us about a crush.”Bonnie spoke up teasingly.

“What’s his name?”Clemont asked calmly.

“His name is Ash Ketchum, he’s a childhood friend of mine and we met at a summer camp in Kanto years ago. I remember falling down and hurting my knee at that summer camp, I was lost and didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, I had heard rustling in the bushes in front of me, I thought a wild pokémon was going to attack me. It turned out to be a harmless poliwag who was being chased by Ash. I was so scared, but Ash comforted me and gave me the courage to get up and get back to camp. I remember he wrapped a handkerchief around my grazed knee and sang a rhyme to make the pain go away. It was that moment where I fell in love with him, I haven’t seen him since, but now he is going to be at Pokévision.”I replied, as memories of that day flashed through my mind.

“Woah woah calm down lover girl, Clemont only asked his name not the entire story, you are so down bad and I find it extremely cute, the story of you guys is so amazing too.”Bonnie shouted excitedly making me blush.

“Oh come on Bonnie stop teasing Serena, I think that was a splendid story and it’s nice that Serena will get to see Ash again.”Clemont replied back, calming his sister down.

Meanwhile, I was still stuck in my thoughts, I was having mixed emotions about this. Yes, I was really excited about the contest and the fact that I could see Ash again. However, I didn’t know how it would go, would he remember me?, would he consider me as a friend?, would he even like me at all? Several questions floated through my head until Clemont pulled me out of my stupor again.

“Serena don’t worry too much, I’m pretty sure everything will go alright.”Clemont replied back reassuring me as my mom and Bonnie gave me a big hug.

“You’ve done really well Serena, I’m sure Ash would be proud of you too, now get some rest it’s getting late.”My mom replied, as I nodded while everyone left the room.

I laid down on my bed and looked to a photo frame on my bedside table. Inside it was a childhood photo of both Ash and I, a small smile came upon my face as I saw the photo.

“I guess we’ll be meeting again pretty soon Ash.”I thought, as I fell into a deep slumber super excited for the future ahead.

SEN OptiMaver

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