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Ash’s POV

The sun was shining as we neared the Kalos region. It had been awhile since I had last been in Kalos and I could feel my excitement grow the closer we got to the ground. As we dropped below the cloud cover, the skyline of Lumiose city hoved into view.

“We’re almost there Pikachu, are you excited to go back to Kalos again?”I asked.

“Pika chu pi.”He replied back happily.

“Hey Ash how long has it been since you were last in Kalos?”Brock asked.

“A few years I believe, I can’t wait to meet everyone again.”I replied back excitedly.

“Didn’t you tell us about two really strong trainers you met whilst you were here?”Misty asked catching Gary’s attention.

“Oh yes Sawyer and Alain, both of them were really strong, each having pokémon that could mega evolve and I enjoyed battling against them. It still feels like yesterday when the league was going on.”I replied back reminiscing on the memories.

“Speaking about strong pokemon, Ash didn’t you have a super strong greninja when you were here? The one you could bond with as one?”Gary asked.

“Yeah, I’m hoping to see him again, ever since the Kalos disaster he’s been helping zygarde cut the last of team flare’s vines.”I replied back to him as he nodded.

“Say Ash, you never told us which pokémon of yours you’ve brought along?”Brock questioned.

“Oh I completely forgot, I’ve brought Noivern, Hawlucha, Talonflame, Goodra and Pikachu of course.”I replied back.

“That’s you’re entire Kalos team.”Misty replied.

“Yeah, I felt like it was only right to bring my Kalos team, I want them to meet Greninja again if I find him. If I meet Alain and Sawyer again, I want to give them a run for their money. I’m sure everyone wants to battle some old friends again.”I replied back, fired up making everyone chuckle.

Soon the plane landed and I immediately made my way to the exit. As soon as I went outside, I took a huge breath of air and screamed on top of my lungs.

“HELLO KALOS, I AM BACK!”I shouted jumping up in the air until I lost my balance and fell down the stairs.

Everyone else rushed to me quickly as I got up and dusted myself off.

“Oh Ashy boy only you can make yourself look cool and stupid at the same time.”Gary replied, wheezing with laughter.

“Hey it’s not funny and anyways Gary you look stupid all the time.”I replied back.

“Alright guys let’s not bicker here right now, both of you act like children sometimes and i don’t know which is worse.”Misty replied annoyed.

“Well glad to see you’re fine Ash, although it was a bit funny.”Brock replied cheekily.

“Oh come on, not you too Brock.”I replied back whilst sighing.

We had personal chauffeurs waiting for us to drive us to the hotel, as drove through the city we noticed the hype for the contest was already building. There were posters, cloth shops, restaurants you name it, advertising Pokévision everywhere creating a noticeable buzz in the atmosphere everywhere we went. All of us soon headed towards the hotel to get ourselves checked in, we were in the same hotel as all of the other contestants who we were yet to meet. I actually had no idea who they were, this was primarily because I couldn’t find the time to see who else had qualified for the contest. However, I had heard their songs and the competition was going to be tough, that made it all the more exciting.

Our rooms were amazing too, the literal definition of five stars. We could see that the hotel did their best to keep everything in pristine condition for every single guest staying here especially the participants. The contest was bringing a whole lot of tourism into the region, I was surprised at the fact that we hadn’t been recognised so far by anyone, which was a relief.

“Guys do you want to roam around the city a bit?”Gary asked.

“Yeah why not, let’s go and explore.”Brock replied enthusiastically.

“Come on guys, it’s pretty boring, I’ve seen everything before.”I whined.

“It’s not like we have anything better to do Ash, our first interviews don’t even start until tomorrow let alone our first rehearsals.”Misty replied.

“She has a good point.”Gary replied back.

“I have an idea, you can be our tour guide.”Brock replied.

“What?”I questioned in disbelief.

“Yeah come on Ashy boy please, take one for the team.”Gary replied with his signature smirk.

“Alright fine, come on lets go.”I huffed in acceptance.

“That’s the spirit Ashy boy.”Gary replied back happily.

“Gary shut up right now, I’m this close to strangling you.”I replied back annoyingly.

“Alright alright calm down.”He replied back as I led the way.

I felt like this was going to be a long day, I hoped this would end quickly and they wouldn’t want to see too many places. Unfortunately to my disappointment it was exactly what they did. We went to three different cafes, almost a million shopping malls and took almost a billion pictures in front of Lumiose tower as well as the Pokévision arena. It was nearing evening when they were finally done and I didn’t have any energy left. We were walking back to the hotel, I was walking slowly about a few meters behind my friends until I noticed they had stopped walking and were talking to two people.

“ASH IS THAT YOU?”Sawyer shouted.

“Long time no see Ash.”Alain replied besides him.

SEN OptiMaver

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