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Her eyes widened, absolutely amazed and joyous that he’d recognise her after all these years. Suddenly, waiting her entire childhood and teenage years to see a boy, the only memory she could clearly make out from those terrible years of her life, became absolutely more than worth it. She wouldn’t have missed this for the world, and thanked fate for allowing her to see the love of her life in the flesh once more, something which at times felt like nothing more than a pipe dream. “Ash!”

“It’s you, right? The girl from summer camp!”

She nodded happily, tears threatening to escape her watering eye sockets. “It’s me, Ash. I’m so happy you remember me.”

“Of course I do! You were the best part of summer camp.”

Serena’s eyes widened, looking into his and seeing a look of utter sincerity and serenity within them. She closed hers, trying desperately to keep a hold of her composure in public. “I’ve missed you so much…” Not being able to resist, she suddenly embraced him in a hug.

Ash smiled, returning the embrace. “I’m really happy I got to see you again.”

“Am I the only one who’s confused here?”Gary spoke up watching the two childhood friends reunite.

“GARY! You’ve ruined such a tender moment.”Misty shouted hitting him on his head, “Now apologise”She muttered.

“Ouch that hurt.”Gary groaned in pain, until Misty gave him a death glare. “Sorry guys my bad.”He sheepishly replied.

“No worries Gary, although I’m surprised you don’t remember me, you were at the summer camp too.”Serena replied.

Gary stood still for a moment trying to figure out where he saw Serena before until realisation hit him as hard as a flying brick. “OH MY GOD! You’re the straw hat girl ashy boy used to hang out with.”He replied back, with his signature smirk. “Is that why you’ve always been so dense Ash, so you can meet you’re childhood sweetheart again?”He questioned.

This made Ash and Serena both blush bright red in embarrassment as the others chuckled at the sight. “Stop teasing them Gary, anyways Ash we’ve met some of our competitors whilst you were battling.”Brock spoke up.

“Yeah I noticed, it's nice to meet all of you, my name is Ash.”Ash replied, whilst the others introduced themselves.

“The name’s Dawn and I’m representing Sinnoh with my song Solo.”The blunette cheerfully replied. “I’m Chloe and I’m representing Galar with my song Last Dance.”She replied whilst waving.

“My name’s Lillie and I’m representing Alola with my band Beachside beats. My song is called Sound of Silence.”The Alolan replied. “My name’s May and I’m representing Hoenn with my little brother Max, we are the Symphonic Siblings. My song is called Future Lover.”The Hoenn native replied.

“It’s great to meet you all, I’m sorry though I haven’t heard you’re songs yet.”Ash sheepishly replied.

“Gary you had one job, I told you guys to listen to everyone else’s songs.”Misty replied in annoyance. “How could you guys forget?” She questioned further.

“Honestly my bad, don’t kill us please.”Gary replied, throwing his hands up in surrender whilst sweat dropping.

“You guys should be called dumb and dumber.”Misty replied, making everyone chuckle.

“How about we all go and find a good spot to have lunch.”Brock suggested. “We can all get to know each other much better as well.”He continued on, as everyone happily agreed to the plans.

As everyone was having their lunch, Dawn asked a question to Serena.

“So Serena, how did you and Ash meet as kids?”She questioned curiously as both of the childhood friends looked at each other. “Should we tell them Ash?”Serena questioned.

“Uhh, if you want to sure.”He nervously spoke up whilst chuckling.

“Come on Serena, tell us the romantic story between you lovebirds!”May shouted teasingly. “W-what there is nothing going on b-between us.”Serena replied back hastily whilst blushing looking at Ash.

Ash felt nervous again as everyone named both Serena and himself as lovers. He was unfamiliar in this particular topic area and never knew what to do as everyone gave them teasing glances.

“Oh come on there is no need to lie Serena, it’s clear as day. The love you have for him is wonderful, all we need to know is the story behind it.”Chloe replied encouragingly.

“A-alright, I’ll tell you guys.”Serena announced earning her cheers from the girls whilst the boys were teasing Ash.

“So, it was a few years ago but it still feels like yesterday. I went with my mom to a rhyhorn race in the Kanto region. We were going to be there for awhile so, my mom initially decided to enrol me at professor oak’s summer camp. I didn’t really want to go at first, since I was super shy. However, she assured me that I would be alright and to just enjoy myself. At first it was really awkward making friends with the people around me, I was very shy when I used to be young. That was until I met Ash, he was just so energetic and did things without a care in the world, enjoying himself in the moment.”She narrated.

“Well that still doesn’t tell us how you met each other?”Dawn muttered knowingly.

“Be patient Dawn, let the girl speak, continue Serena.”Lillie spoke up.

“Thanks Lillie, so as I was saying, one during camp we were playing with a lot of baby pokemon that professor oak and brought for us. While playing with one of them, I got lost in the forest around us. I had fallen down and scraped my knee, it hurt a lot at the time and I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, I heard a rustling sound coming from the nearby bushes. I thought a wild pokemon was going to attack me, I was so scared in the moment. It turned out to be a harmless poliwag, and then out came Ash from the bushes chasing the poliwag. He saw me crying and immediately came to comfort me. He encouraged me to get up and kept telling me that I could do it. I was still super scared until he muttered the words that I still live by to this day, “Never give up!”. He wrapped my sprained knee with his handkerchief that I carry to this day and that is how we met.”Serena smiled, reminiscing on the past.

“That is so cute! You guys are made for each other!”May squealed in delight as Ash and Serena blushed bright red.

“Well that was an amazing story guys, it’s almost evening now.”Brock replied as the sun set on the kalos horizon. “Yeah it’s getting late now, we need to be at the Lumiose arena tomorrow for interviews and the first semi finals.”Misty reminded us.

“Oh yes, we have our performance tomorrow don’t we Misty?”Ash asked in realisation. “Yep, Dawn and May will also have their performances tomorrow for Sinnoh and Hoenn alongiside Johto and Paldea.”Misty announced.

“I’m hyped for tomorrow, are you guys going to come and watch?”Ash questioned to the others, specifically looking towards Serena though. “Yeah why wouldn’t we, it’s been a blast getting to know you guys and I’m sure all of us would like to scope out the competition too, isn’t that right guys?”Clemont confidently spoke.

“Yeah for sure, give it your best out there you guys are going to need it.”Chloe spoke with a competitive fire burning inside.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way!”Ash replied back with equal determination in his voice.

“I’ll definitely come to support all of you tomorrow.”Serena announced as Ash nodded at her whilst smiling.

“Goodnight guys, smell you later.”Gary shouted whilst smirking, making everyone laugh as they parted ways for the night.

Sen OptiMaver

I know we are late, forgive us. Everyone was busy, and you guys already know what happened with me and my phone, and also I now have 2 stitches on my ring finger due to a cut(it hurts like hell) which I got on the day of my exam (talk about bad luck)

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