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As Zeke made his way down the corridor, he spotted Captain Levi engaged in conversation with a slightly taller woman wearing glasses. She waved goodbye to Levi and walked away. Zeke observed the interaction with a mischievous smile and casually strolled over to Levi, giving him a playful nudge on the shoulder. His smirk grew wider.

"Was that who I think it was?" Levi raised an eyebrow and sighed.

"Perhaps, does that matter?"

Zeke continued, "She is a lucky woman, you're a good man." Levi's face brightened at Zeke's words, and a small smile tugged at his lips.

"I'm sure she would be happy to hear such th—"

"For a midget, of course!" Zeke chimed in with a laugh.

"Good God, I hate you," Levi grumbled as he began walking away. Zeke followed with a grin. "What do you need anyway? Have you come to pester me about your failed love life? Has Eren finally snapped and is seeking to kill you? I'd help him."

Zeke snorted and patted Levi on the shoulder. "My apologies, short man. I was merely poking fun. Though I do have intel I wish to discuss."

"I am not one to gossip," Levi replied. As they talked, a group of knights passed by in a nearby corridor. One of them noticed the two conversing and discreetly moved closer to eavesdrop on their conversation. Zeke continued speaking with enthusiasm.

"It's about Venus and my brother."

"I'm interested," Levi said, taking a seat on a stool and raising an intrigued eyebrow. "Please, continue?"

"I found them, lying in bed together. It seems they may have finally confessed their feelings. Isn't that grand?"

"Took them longer than I expected," Levi remarked. "I'm certain Venus initiated it. I can't see your brother having that level of charm."

Zeke burst into laughter. "I suppose we do agree on some things!"

"Will such matters be kept a secret, considering Lady Historia's involvement?" Levi asked. Jean, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation, was taken aback by the news and quickly left to find the king.

"Venus deserves it more than that noble bitch," Zeke declared, his contempt for Historia evident. "I understand my father has these notions about class, but not me. She's more deserving of the crown."

"You feel quite strongly about this, Zeke. It's refreshing to see," Levi remarked, causing Zeke to grow pensive and stare into the distance. After a moment, he turned back to Levi. Levi noticed his mood switch and slowly ushered out a question. "What are you not telling me?"

"Did you know I was supposed to be a father?"

"What?" Zeke chuckled, his laughter laced with a hint of bitterness, as he took a seat on a stool near Levi. "A father?! Zeke, I can see it in eyes that such things bother you, why are you bringing this up to me of all people?"

Zeke sat down heavily on a stool near Levi. He looked down at his trembling hands, struggling to hold back the tears. "Because I'm exhausted, Levi. It's been six long years... I can't keep holding this burden in my heart."

"Six years since...?" Levi inquired, trying to understand what Zeke was hinting at.

Zeke sighed deeply. "She was a commoner... much like Venus, she possessed that same spark that I see Eren yearning for in his own love. God, I loved her, Levi. I would have given her the world if she had just asked. But no, fate had to gift me with a pious woman who only wanted my love and nothing else."

Levi nodded, sensing the profound pain in Zeke's voice. "Does Eren know about her?"

Zeke's gaze snapped up, his eyes red-rimmed from unshed tears. "He knows of her to some extent, but not everything. I didn't want to discourage him from loving Venus, Levi. I want my brother to find happiness. I suppose I feel like a fool trying to protect them both, because I failed to protect my own family."

Levi could see the agony etched on Zeke's face. "If this is too painful to talk about..."

"No, it's time, Levi. Remember that woman—the one the king, my father, had beheaded? It'll be six years soon since her execution."

"Six years ago," Levi echoed, realizing what Zeke was referring to.

"She was put on trial for stealing from the king. A commoner, Levi. She was sentenced and beheaded the following week," Zeke continued, his voice trembling. "I watched the love of my life's life get extinguished right in front of me, her head rolling down that godforsaken stage like some sick attraction." Tears streamed down his face, but he didn't try to wipe them away.

"The worst part is, she was carrying my child," Zeke added, his voice breaking. "That heartless bastard killed her and my innocent child. He labeled my daughter as a 'tainted heir' and had them both executed. My lover, my child...gone. The cruel heritage of my father and I believed him at first. That she stole. What a damned fool I was... I wish I could tell her I'm sorry..."

"Zeke," Levi began, his voice soft, "I can't even begin to fathom the pain you've carried all these years." He placed a reassuring hand on Zeke's shoulder, offering solace to his troubled friend. "To lose your love and a child in such a cruel manner... it's a burden that's too heavy for any one person to bear."

Zeke nodded, his gaze fixed on the horizon, his eyes filled with sorrow. "I never thought I'd speak of this, Levi. But it's like a storm that's been raging within me for years, and I can't keep it locked away any longer."

Levi's eyes held compassion as he listened, allowing Zeke to open up. "Sometimes, sharing the pain helps to lighten the load," he said. "We all have our demons and regrets. It's part of being human. But you've carried this for too long, my friend. It's time to let some of it go."

"I miss what could have been Levi..."

"I know."

"I should have stood up for her... I was a fool to believe my father. I could have had a wife and child, perhaps even more children!" He chuckled out a sob. "Y'know they say blood runs thicker then water." Zeke scoffed out a laugh. "Not our blood. It spills out like red paint."



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