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As the sun began to set on the spring day, the king and his two sons, Eren and Zeke, took their seats at the grand dining table in the hall. The aroma of the sumptuous meal wafted through the air, and the princes eagerly dug in. Meanwhile, their father engaged in a discussion about the latest political news, his voice echoing off the high ceilings of the room. The servants, including yourself, stood stoically against the wall, their eyes downcast and their hands clasped in front of them. Despite the tedious conversation, Eren couldn't help but steal glances at you, admiring you from afar.

"Ugh," Eren let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. "I am not a fan of political discussions. It seems unnecessary to drag them out for hours on end." He murmured quietly to avoid being overheard. "Do you need to bore your children for hours like this?!" Eren spoke irritated and exasperated, expressing his desire to say more than he already did. However, he realized he couldn't, as his father would likely scold him.

"What is it son?" King Grisha spoke to him with a stern tone. "Are you not interested in learning about the political matters that are concerning our kingdom? You must learn how to rule a kingdom one day properly." He maintained a serious tone as he fixed a stern gaze on Eren, exuding an intimidating presence. "Just listen, and you will learn what you need to learn." The King spoke straightforwardly, without holding back. Zeke glanced over at Eren briefly before turning his attention back to his meal and continuing to eat in silence.

Eren sighed and went back to listening to his father's conversation, but he was feeling quite bored. He had heard these political talks too many times before and started counting the minutes until it was finished. "How much longer are these talks going to last? I hate this, these political matters can be explained in one hour but not for hours on end!"

"STOP COMPLAINING." King Grisha suddenly shouted during a heated moment, leaving Eren and Zeke stunned. You noticed the commotion and sighed, but then King Grisha turned to you and singled you out from among the servants. "You."

"Yes, your highness?" In a calm tone, you spoke just above a whisper. Eren's heart sank as he clutched his knee and turned his gaze towards his father, filled with apprehension about the future.

"Bring me some tea. My INSUFFERABLE son is beginning to irritate me with his berating questions." Eren sighed and turned back to his plate as the King spoke.

"Of course, your highness." You bowed with a smile and gave Eren a look before walking off to provide the old King with his tea.

"Now son. I hope you understand why I bore you."

"You always seem to refer to me as son, father you have two-"


"Yes, father." Zeke let out a quiet sigh and kept eating. Being older, he had learned to tolerate his father's long-winded conversations by simply letting him talk without interruption. It was easier than trying to express his own opinions and risking confrontation.

"As your parent, I expect you to listen to and follow my guidance. It's important that you participate in discussions about your role in the kingdom, even if it's difficult. Please be like your older brother Zeke, remain silent and listen. God bestowed upon us two ears and one mouth for a reason. UTILIZE THEM AS SUCH."

"Forgive me father... I understand."

"Good, and quit staring at the maid. I never needed any tea. I merely wanted that woman out of the room. Giving her looks here and there. That is not how I raised my son."

"You never raised me father..." Eren grumbled under his breath and sighed before speaking up. "My apologies if my staring came off as wrong, my eyes tend to wander when I don't mean it to, especially when I find myself bored."

"Fine, but look elsewhere. Staring at a filthy maid won't get you anywhere. The nerve of you, my boy. A grim wealthless maid." The king sighed and continued to eat. Eren had enough; he wanted out of this conversation. He could not handle the disrespect brought onto you by someone who wouldn't even dare utter your name, and yet it seemed as those the king did not know her name to begin with. How typical. Zeke was shocked by the revelation, but what could he do? Go against his father? 

Neither of them had the guts. 

No one did.

During the delightful spring evening, King Grisha continued his discussions regarding significant affairs in the realm. As the evening progressed, you dutifully served him tea and returned to your post on the wall. Eren kept a watchful eye on you, stealing glances occasionally to ensure you were doing well. Above all, it was apparent Eren was tired. 

He hated this kingdom. 

He hated his father.



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