Part 1

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I step through the door and let my head drop. I let my workbag fall off my shoulder onto the floor. Today was horrible. Yes, I made a mistake at work, but to be yelled at by my Andy? In front of the whole team? It was so embarrassing. I could feel the tightness and lump forming in my throat, my eyes becoming itchy with tears. I could finally let it go now that I was home in my safe space. 

My hands came to my face, trying to stifle the tears. I muffled my cries even though no one was home to hear me. Carina would be here soon and she would know how to make it better. She always comforted me in the best way. She had this magic way of making everything feel lighter, less heavy. 

I got a glass of water, knowing it would make my throat feel better and sat down on the couch. I couldn't get today's events and embarrassment out of my head. Why do I have to be such a failure? The door opened and Carina walked in, looking at me with a frown. 

"Maya, what's wrong?" she asked tilting her head. 

"I..." I couldn't get the words out without tearing up, "" I said hoping she could piece two and two together. 

"From what I see, whatever happened must have been pretty bad," she said, with comfort in her voice, not pity. I nodded my head to confirm. She took my cheek in her hand and wiped away a tear with her thumb. 

"Can I have a hug?" she asked me. I immediately sat up and grabbed her with my whole soul. She was my anchor. I squeezed her tightly and jammed my face into her neck. I was finally able to breathe fully, her scent calming me. She moved her hands lightly up and down on my back. 

"I love you," she said quietly. 

"I love you too," I replied, "So much".  I stayed in the embrace, taking in as much of her as I could. Carina never pulled away. She always waited until I did. I'm not sure if that's because she knows how much I need it, or she just never wants to let me go. It was one of my favourite things about her. 

I finally felt stable enough to explain what happened to her and process my emotions. I had to be better, not just for her but for me as well. I pulled away slightly, so that I could look her in the eyes, but staying in the hug. Before I spoke, she gave me a light peck. I didn't realize how much I needed it. 

"Work today was awful," I said looking down at her clothing. It didn't matter who I was with, I could never look them in the eyes when I had to say something that bothered me. Carina knew and understood this. 

I continued my thought, "Andy completely yelled and embarrassed me in front of my team, " I let out a sigh. "I can't stand her sometimes, she makes me feel like shit," I let out as I rested my head against her chest. She pecked the top of my head this time. 

"Bella, I know that this is hard for you," she said stroking my hair. I knew she wasn't going to say that I should work harder or that one day I would be captain again. And now, after working with Dianne, those weren't the words I needed to hear. 

She continued, "If it was inappropriate, you need to talk to her about it. She's your friend Maya don't forget that. You know how important it is to not have rifts in the team. You both have each other's lives at stake,"

"I know, it's just hard for me to talk about that stuff. I don't want to seem weak," I hugged her closer. Me thinking that I was weak, almost made me lose my wife. 

"You're not Maya, not in any way that matters. You can not be perfect you know," she let out a little giggle. I let out a sigh of air, "Yes, I'm aware" I stepped back to look into her eyes. 

"Not everything is about winning," I said, "but I'm so happy that I won you, the best wife I could ever ask for,"

"Yes, you are lucky bambina," Carina said sassily. I smiled for the first time in what felt like ages. "Can this wonderful wife of yours get a kiss?" she asked. I quickly responded by kissing her, trying to convey my gratefulness.  "...And also maybe a foot massage after a long 12 hour shift?" she wiggled her eyebrows, "Since I'm so awesome,"

"Wow, you're really playing this up," I said back sarcastically. I then swooped her up and carried her to the bedroom to get the foot message started. 

"Andiamo!" she laughed while kissing up my arms. 

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