Romantic Getaway Part 1

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"Bambina, I don't know if this is a good idea," Carina said as we arrived at the campsite. I turned towards her and reached for her hand across the console of my car.

"I'm very experienced Carina," I reassured her, "Enough to help navigate a bear attack and return's someone nose. Remember?"

"Ah, yes the nose," she said while scrunching her hands together.

"I consider that nose very lucky, and so is camping for me. Cause in a way it kind of brought us together," I implied, trying desperately to change my wife's mind. I kept going in my efforts, "I feel like we need some alone time, just me and you to reconnect.."

"Yes, but we could reconnect in a hotel bella, on cotton sheets," she smirked. Although the idea of that did sound very tempting, I was set on this camping trip.

"Or we can connect under the stars, you know we do have an air mattress, so at least we aren't sleeping on the ground,"

Carina raised her eyebrow at this suggestion, "I will NEVAH sleep on the ground!"

I laughed, "Hey no laughing! I'll just use you as a matress then Maya,"

"Fine by me. Now we better get started unpacking before it gets too dark," I saw Carina's eyes go wide. She immediately jumped out of the car and went towards the trunk.

"Don't worry Carina, I'll protect you from all the creatures that go bump in the night," I joked. She slapped my arm, clearly not finding it funny.

"How can my lovely..." peck "strong" peck "short" peck, I pulled away as she finished her sentence, "protect me from a 6ft tall grizzly bear?" She was right, but I wasn't going to let her win this argument that she laced with seduction.

"Luckily for both of us bear spray doesn't require a minimum height," I said giving her a peck back in return.

We unloaded the car.

"I think we should set up the tent first," I said pointing towards the bag.

"And you've set this one up before, si?"

"Si, many times, it won't take me long. Do you want to work on something else then? I'll just need help when I arch the poles into the lining."

"Okay bella, I'll start collecting some sticks for the fire. Sound good?" she asked.

I nodded my head in reply, already deep into focusing on completing my task. As I was working, I kind of let my inner thoughts ramble. It wasn't until recently, that I learned that Carina liked to hear what I was thinking. She said that it soothed her. So as I was doing my task, I let my thoughts out, just loud enough for her to hear over the rummaging of the tent.

"I used to camp with my brother and dad all the time. They would walk on the park trails together while I ran them, in a way training for any cross country races I had. I loved camping in the fall. Even though it was cold at night. I loved to run and see the different colours of leaves, the mushrooms that would sprout through the wet leaves on the ground, smell the crisp air. I think that's why I stayed in Seattle. There's so many parks where I can run and just get away..."

Carina walked over to me, setting down a hefty pile of sticks, then wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Get away from what bella?" she asked timidly, not knowing if I wanted to keep sharing. Of course, I wanted to tell her everything. I exhaled, releasing the tension in my body, softening in her arms.

"Get away from myself. I could get out of my head when I ran or focus on something that didn't involve me. With all the colours and passing scenery, it was a distraction, from my thoughts,"

"I understand," she pressed her chin against my shoulder, "I feel the same way in surgery. I don't have time to worry about myself. I focus on the health of the patient and the procedure, that's what matters"

I laughed a little, "I wouldn't equate running with surgery Carina, but I get what you're trying to say," I grabbed her hands and spun myself to face her.

"Now I do need my tall wife to help me with this last part of the tent," I gave her a peck and then turned to the task at hand.

After 20 minutes, we were right where we started.

"Carina, no you have to loop it through the top," I said, trying to sound patient.

"Maya, I'm sorry but your instructions are not very clear and also not in Italian. So I struggle okay," the italian fury was starting to come out a bit. But I was also frustrated.

"It's not surgery Carina, something you actually know how to do. Just put the whole through the mesh. If it gets too dark, we won't be able to see anything."

"MaYA, there is no hole. I don't know how many times I need to say this. We are in the middle of nowhere, and can't even get basic shelter. I'm going in the car. Figure it out,"

I was done for. I sighed and went to the cooler. I opened a bottle of water and sat down, thinking of what to do. I just need something to stand on that will hold me. I kicked around and then my foot hit the side of the cooler. Bingo. If I was calmer, probably would have figured it out sooner.

I shimmied the cooler to the side of the tent. I adjusted the top and it was set up. That was the easy part, now I had to apologize to my mad Italian wife.

I got in the car and sat in the passenger seat. "I'm sorry for being impatient," I said sincerely, "This is your first time camping, I shouldn't expect you to know these things. The tent is set up, so we do have shelter. We can also start a fire, which won't be hard since fire is completely my expertise. Will you join me?"

She turned to face me, slight tears in her eyes.

"Yes," is all she said as she got out of the car. 

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