Romantic Getaway Part 2

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She turned to face me, slight tears in her eyes.

"Yes," is all she said as she got out of the car.

I worked in silence setting up the fire. Carina was sitting in one of our lawn chairs watching. I think she was as mesmerized by the flames as I was.

"Maya" she said in a lighter tone, "I think we should eat dinner now. I'm a little, how do you say it," I knew to wait for her to finish this sentence. It could have gone so many different ways. "Ah yes, hangry, that's the word," I immediately laughed. That was, thank god, the route I did expect.

"Yes, I think we both are. We packed skewers for dinner, is that still good with you?" I asked, wondering if we should switch tonight's dinner to tomorrow's lunch.

"Perfecta," Carina replied, digging into the cooler to fish out our supper. She was definitely hungry.

"They're so efficient too," I added, "Literally just put them over the fire and wait. Boom there's your dinner." I explained while setting them over the fire, closer to the top of the flames where it was cooler.

I sat in the lawn chair beside Carina and just listened. I didn't feel urged to speak. I wanted to hear the crickets and cicadas the sparkling of the flames. I think I might have zoned out, because when I turned towards Carina she was staring at me. It was too dark to read her face, but I sensed that she wanted something from her body language.

She slowly got up and walked towards me, minding the fire. "Can I sit?" she asked pointing to my lap.

"Of course," I said patting my lap. Carina sat down facing the fire, slightly turned towards my chest. "This is really nice bambina," she said into my neck. I kissed her forehead and continued to listen to her breathing and the outdoors. She nuzzled her head further into my neck. The fire was just close enough to keep is warm with the late summer weather.

Finally, the timer went off on my phone and the skewers were ready. Carina got off, bouncing up and down on each foot, waiting for the food to cool.

"Want to open the wine?" I asked since we were still waiting for it to cool down.

"Si, si good idea," she said getting out our plastic cups and the bottle. "You know Maya, we can just drink from the bottle and not have to deal with more cleanup later" She shook the bottle in her hand.

"Sounds good to me," I said finally digging into the skewer. I hummed in satisfaction. Carina took the hint and started into hers. We ate in silence, scarfing down our food.

"Now for the wine!" she exclaimed cracking open the spin top. She took a sip, "Delicious as always,"

"You always choose the best. It's in your blood," I smiled at her. Seeing my wife happy and not stressed about work or me, made my day.

"Quite literally in my blood," she said smiling back at me while taking another swig. She passed the bottle to me and I had a sip. She was right, this really was delicious. I took another sip.

"Hey hey now, pass it over. Don't be such a pig," she joked. Woah, I thought, a pig? That's kind of harsh.

Oh wait, wait, maybe she meant hog.

"Did you mean hog, my love?" I asked sincerely. She nodded while taking another bite of her skewer.

"Yes that, hog," she said, taking the bottle from my hand to take another drink. We kept passing the bottle back and forth. By the time we were ¾ through it, we were both feeling the effects. Carina was back on my lap and we were talking quietly, even though there was no one within miles of us.

"Maya, can we share a sleeping bag tonight?" Carina asked moving a strand of hair out of my face.

"Yes, that shouldn't be a problem. They're big enough for the both of us," I replied.

"I think I'd be too cold on my own," she said matter of factly.

"Are you cold now?" I asked, patting on her station 19 hoodie she was wearing. She moved in closer to me.

"A little," she grabbed me tighter, and brought her face up to mine, "The wine warmed me up though and this fire is amazing Bella,"

I couldn't help myself from blushing. To know that my wife admired me, for such simple things as building a fire, made me feel so warm inside.

I kissed her passionately and she reciprocated with just as much love. I realized that we were at the best part of the evening. When we came back to get our breaths, I said, "Let me put out the fire and I'll meet you in the tent," Carina slowly got off me.

"Okay bella, but don't take too long. I don't want to get cold, need my personal heater back," she laughed. And I to the best of my ability put the fire out as fast as I could. 

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