Date night P1

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Chapter 1

I come home from work, not usually as exhausted as normal. I was excited for date night tonight, the possible events that could transpire. I'm hoping to take a quick nap before Carina comes home. It was 5:00 pm now, I finished my work early, and Carina would be home by 6:30, with a dinner reservation at 8pm. That would give her enough time to freshen up, and for us to take a cab to the restaurant downtown.

I slowly walked into our room, breathing in the smell of lavender that Carina would spray over our bed every morning. A morning ritual, she would call it. I sighed, releasing the stress of my day. I striped off my clothes, leaving me in my bra and underwear and crawled under the sheets. I quickly got my phone off the night stand, set an alarm for 45 minutes, made sure it was counting down, and then closed my eyes. I scouched over to Car's side of the bed, the smell of her still on her pillowcase. The presence of her smell, lulling me into sleep.

The vibration of my phone on the glass nightstand jolted me awake. I was never a deep sleeper. If I took a nap after work before Carina got home, the noise of her pulling into the driveway would wake me up. But today, I wanted some time to get myself ready and done up special before she got home. Also to put the flowers I bought her into a nice vase and fresh water.

I started with the flowers. I kind of regretted not putting them into water immediately when I got through the door. But sleeps calls me, and I answer. I went to our cabinet with the fancy glasses and vases. I was being cheesy, but I wanted the vase that I picked to somehow symbolize my intentions for tonight. I also wanted it to compliment the flowers. The flowers were a mix of marigolds, violas, and babie's breath. I went with our ridged dark navy vase, accented with gold specs on the bottom. Carina and I have always been enticed by the darkness of the sea, what it hides in the deep blue. This night was unknown for us, we were going to be spontaneous, who knew where we would end up. And the gold, just reminds me of the gold ring that I wear on my finger. My love for her eternal and priceless. Now that the flower situation was sorted, I needed to work on my appearance.

I feel so lucky to have a wife so beautiful. The way she puts care and attention into how she presents herself. Not just physically with her looks, but the way she acts towards people, her respect for others shines so brightly. And I feel so blessed to know that she feels similar ways towards me. I love that she tells me what she finds beautiful about me. Before her, I never experienced that in a partner. I was always giving, and then sometimes would get something in return. But never comments like, "I love the way scrunch your right eye when you're confused". It feels so good to know that I'm noticed the same way that I notice her.

Carina being prepared as always, had already decided her outfit for tonight. Me, being so indecisive has not. Laying on our dresser is a dark green satin dress that goes down slightly past her knees and a cream wool cardigan. I love fall colours on her. I should probably try to compliment what she's wearing. I can't decide whether to go fem with her and wear a dress, and most likely get hit on by men, thinking that we're just two "besties" going out; or to go more androgynous allowing idiotic men to get the hint that we aren't "just friends". I like our dates in private spaces, where we don't have to be concerned about onlookers, can wear whatever we want and just focus on each other. Tonight is not that night. But that's okay. We've both been so caught up in work. We really need a night in the city to connect again, go back to the feeling of us dating, dancing in bars in our college days. I whisper to myself, "Fuck it" and step into the closet. I know that I'm going to be cold in the restaurant, but hot when we go to the bars. Dancing with Carina is like standing directly next to a furnace. She warms me up in so many ways. I decide to go with my navy blue silk button down blouse, and I'll keep it extra unbuttoned for her. For pants, I just go with a pair of black slacks, that Carina says makes my ass "pop".

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