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*Gory Descriptions

Ah, New York City. A place not as bad as it's reputation proceeds it, but don't take as saying that there's actually no crime what-so-ever in this city. This place still has it's world of problems, one of which is the fact that big cities attract people with both good and evil intentions. You won't be able to tell at first glance, but not everyone is as they seem, and some have to keep even their strongest believes in the dark, usually because they are dark, so don't let that sound all oppressed. But anyway, the writing isn't going to be all 'commentary from the narrator' for most of this, so lets get to the actual story. 

"What do you mean, you haven't seen her? She said she was going with you." A college football player, Andy Hoffman, talks to one of his teammates and friends on the phone in a frustratingly stressed voice. His sister is not home yet, and it's been an hour past the curfew they've unanimously agreed on. 

"Nah man, I haven't seen her at all tonight." His friend, Tommy, tells him with a mental shrug, seemingly more chill tone. "Are you gonna call the cops again? You know she does this kind of thing, like, once a week." 

"That doesn't make it any better..." Andy mutters, tossing a Hot pocket into the microwave. He then starts pacing around the kitchen, where he accidently stubs his whole leg against his freezer. "Shit..." He curses before slamming it shut, wondering why he had to get the apartment with a crooked bottom freezer. 

"You have to gotten use to this by now, right? Do you think she's making some secret visits somewhere?" Tommy suggests, and Andy feels a little uncomfortable by the suggestive tone he puts on that sentence and the theory that follows. "You think she's got a boyfriend?

"If she does, she has a bad way of hiding it." Andy comments, anxiously glancing at the front door. "Maybe I should put on a secret camera in her jacket so I can see where she goes every time she disappears on me." 

"Uh oh, protective big bro has turned into protective stalker big bro." Tommy quips with a chuckle, making Andy have to roll his eyes at him. "You know, maybe if you didn't have Quinn in that apartment with you all the time, she would be more inclined to stay."

"Shut up." Andy replies with a unamused voice as Tommy chuckles some more. He then hears the sound of a window opening and closing, prompting him to speed-walk over to his sister's room. However, as he quickly opens the door and turns the lights on, he finds not a single soul inside, causing him to sigh. "Dude, I think I'm starting to imagine her once again failing to sneak back in, in my head." 

"Sounds like you should wire a bell to that thing, then you can check to see if it's your sister or Zach Sandford." Tommy jokingly advises, to which Andy forms another unamused expression on his face. When glancing at his phone, he sees that his phone's on call waiting and the cell is coming from his sister's phone number.

"Speak of the goblin, I'll call you back." Andy tells him before quickly hanging him his current call to answer the new one ringing. "Maya, hey, where the heck are you-

"Hello there." A stranger's voice emits from the other end instead, causing Andy to pause his pacing as a bad feeling retches in his gut. "Is this Mary's family on the phone?" The stranger queries, seemingly hoping he's called the right contact. 

"Who the fuck is this?" Andy quickly interrogates the other person on the phone, his brain already going through the many ideas of how he got it, both good and bad. 

"One of your sister's friends, she seems to have passed out after.... having one too many drinks. And, well, she didn't exactly tell me her address before vomiting on the street and practically shutting down in my car." The stranger explains, in a much more casual voice then even the chilliest would use in the situation they say they're in. "I'm afraid I'm going to need some, uh.... directions."

Scream 6: Worship What You Love: Quinn Bailey x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now