Epilogue: (Really Spicy)

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*Quinn's back in her prime, if you know what I mean...

However, we also gotta cover all the other stuff that was mentioned in previous chapters, so please remember that the plot is here as well. 

December 2nd:

Everyone that's still currently in their living rooms, facing their TV with their favorite news channel on, finally gets an answer to their worries when they heard about a dozen emergency related services began rushing to a single building in the city. Police, Firemen, Paramedics, all three sent more than usual to answer the call when they heard it was Ghostface related. 

The male reporter from earlier gets ready for action, ready to tell the biggest hit in New York City yet. "I'm at the old, abandoned movie theater where a dangerous serial killer has been revealed to have used in order to deliver calling cards to public authorities about recent killings." He begins, confirming it to be the story everyone who's been paying attention has heard about. "Last Night, New York's Ghostface Killer, FBI, and various attempted victims had engaged in firefight which ended in the dangerous serial killer getting his comeuppance. When police got calls of a loud explosion inside the theater, they found the first floor covered in debris. Thankfully, Firemen were also on their way to the scene, and so far, they've managed to find two confirms survivors." The reporter informs his audience.  "I with the case's lead investigator, Detective Johnson." He then states as the mentioned man comes into frame. "Detective, what you can tell us?

The Detective nods, clearing his throat. "Well, there is six confirmed bodies so far, uh, two of them have been charred, so we haven't been able to identify them yet. Um, the two survivors we found were Y/N L/N, and, a shock to all of us, Quinn Bailey, who's told us that she was actually kidnapped and taken to the theater alongside Gale Weathers. This has confirmed a theory our morticians had about the redhead we found in the apartment. Turns out it was actually a prostitute." He testifies with another nod. "They have.... pinpointed our killer for us.

The news segments then cuts to another male reporter sitting on a desk, currently a close up shot as a certain detective's face appears in the right hand corner of the screen. "The suspect has been confirmed as Detective Wayne Bailey, the original investigator on the case before being removed due to being too close. However, DNA results have confirmed him to actually be a man named Xavier Kirsch, father of Richie Kirsch, the one of two Ghostface killers in 2021's 'Requel Murders'. Authorities are currently looking into this family as they seem to have disappeared from the map." The man states, an interesting part of this case. The image is then removed. "In the end, investigators seem willing to go along with the survivors' claims, as Wayne has a confirmed connection to all of the Ghostface murders, and all possible evidence in the Theater, has been seemingly burned away, or found as ash." He concludes with a blank shrug.

Y/N watches the news on television with a half-hearted chuckle, shifting his back and butt on the hospital bed. Just when he assumed they were all in the clear, he had to hear about the Kirsch Family being investigated, the rest of it was pretty satisfying to watch, though. All that's left is for him is to wait until he's deemed 'recovered' and 'free to go' and all that stuff.  Drawing him out of his thoughts, Y/N hears a series of knocks on his door. "Come in." He grants permission, and thankfully, it's not cops that come through the door. 

It's Quinn, who despite what happened, doesn't look to worse for wear, especially compared to him. "Hey...." She greets with that nice smirk she occasionally gives him. She looks at the guy who's currently still in his hospital patient attire, now having an eye patch on the eye where Tara stabbed him. The bullet and knife wounds have been stitched up, but still visible, but in the long term, no visible burns. So there's that, at least. 

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